Saturday, July 29, 2006

Heritage - Lebanon - Ecclesia

The Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa / Pedro Conde Sturla / veins 3-76


The Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa
Pedro Conde Sturla

Break row and live the Chief!

A political reading of
The Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa

Pedro Conde Sturla *

As explained Pedro Conde Sturla, these four articles were censored in other media . Veins is a magazine with a vocation for suicide, this is still true in this new stage of our life as a publication, so we decided to insert the work of Conde Sturla as Offprint. The reading of the trial, says it all. It is simply unprintable ... (Streaks).

brief introduction by the author
This series of articles on The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa began publication in Saturday's supplement "Culture" of the newspaper El Siglo, having been rejected by other means of prensa.A the height of the fourth installment ("The courtiers Vargas Llosa), press freedom is resented, condemned the publication and terminated the publication of the series. Press freedom in the Dominican Republic still does not allow to talk about the crimes of Balaguer and the courtiers rascalities Glorious Era.

It thus confirms what was stated in the second of these articles, "Trujillo live and command, and sends his legacy lives. His successors have held and hold positions of power and control, influence, determine, manipulate, affect all sections of society. Today as yesterday, we seem to hear their war cry: Break ranks, long live the Chief! ".-


Conversation in the Cathedral With
Mario Vargas Llosa I had a conversation of sorts near the Cathedral of Santo Domingo. He was on a tourist company Soledad Alvarez and I was partying at the Palace Cafe Restaurant Schizophrenia-Count for more sign-in Villegas and Victor Company of Alfredo Pierre.

So I enjoyed the evening and a beer when I saw there: Soledad smiling, happy smiling Vargas Llosa, happy handshakes, another handshake, many hands, great outpouring of words and happy (something like The perpetual orgy.) Two minutes later we were old friends.

course the topic came to mind Trujillo (Trujillo "falls to the soul like dew on the grass," a nostalgic say). Villegas was uncovered at the outset, with a remarkable history. Of that time he took prisoner, one of many, and taken in the presence of dark Johnny Abbes. The snitch to Villegas and there was, in the presence of the incident who questioned him about politics, but Villegas changed the subject. Began to celebrate the merits of a poem that was published recently that monster and saved in telita. Drunk strength of praise, Johnny Abbes tremendón ordered the boy released. He saved my poetry, Villegas said in conclusion and that it will amend the map. Villegas saved your literary criticism.

Vargas Llosa I had sworn to hate him, metaphorically, as a result of neoliberal discourse, and especially-especially- from an article from Robin Hood, the hero of my childhood. I confess, however, that the character I was captivated by his charm, just as I was captivated by her talent. Furthermore, it is difficult to hate the author of The Green House and The City and the Dogs. Difficult, even without love hate Borges, even for a Perfect Latin American Idiot.

My admiration for Vargas Llosa was not, of course, free of suspicion, nor have I ever surrendered, unconditionally, to its charms.

During our brief conversation about the Cathedral, some details filled me with unease. Vargas Llosa spoke and laughed a bit like Trujillo, voice recorder and laughter, exaggerated highs, and that terrified me think of the elective affinities. What else would share the writer and the tyrant? Vargas Llosa's voice has no ability to command, has no authority, neither the intention nor the gift of a hyena. Vargas Llosa's laughter is not a laughing hyena, of course. It's a laugh a little grasshopper, friendly, curious, grateful, well-mannered laughter, laughter at the surface. The humor and laughter to the surface.

Still suspicious, filled me doubt. Vargas Llosa was here to document and write a book about Trujillo. Some details have emerged in the press. For higher orders, Font Bernard had improvised an office in the Archivo General de la Nación. In the remainder of the file, the file Vargas Llosa vislumbraría lawless scenes of The Feast of the Goat. Yo-biased as many, feared the worst. In Vargas Llosa's hand, guided by Bernard Font, Trujillo emerge a humanist, or at least progressive. Font Bernard himself emerge as a luminary of the era and the post was. Now we know that Virgil was better with Dante.

Mario Vargas Llosacontra Rate Wizards
"The mystery is greater than its realization," said Poe, and it is true. Seemed true so far. In the case of Vargas Llosa's novel, the mystery was even before its completion, but when it was revealed other mysteries of higher order so may not be achievable and will remain mysteries, mysteries happily. So the novel as a source of endless speculation.

From the novel is said and written before it was written, and before novel novels about her, poor creature. Was conceived in infamy before being conceived, and during pregnancy rumors perverse. Faced resistance before birth, and birth, you know, was followed with morbid curiosity. The climax occurred with the publication of the second chapter in Listin Diario. It was a sadistic act of sadism refined, by the editor Dominican embers that left thousands of readers. (That is not done, by God, put a sandwich in the mouths of hungry and delay the banquet).

To the surprise of many, Trujillo, Vargas Llosa perfectly fits the archetypal intellectual scheme Perfect Latin American Idiot. Is the same vision of the idiot so punished by Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, Carlos Alberto Montaner and Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Guide to the Perfect Latin American Idiot, a jewel. Trujillo, for example, is made in the USA a tyrant, imposed by great democracy of the north, and the country that is the setting is a country with open veins. Vargas Llosa not only in the Manual of the perfect idiot-it must be remembered, but also is a repeat offender, like Bosch, Galeano. (There will be trouble in the family, Álvaro, please understand, things are old!).

The Vargas Llosa's Trujillo is a monster without any legitimacy or justification. It is the result of the necessity of history, or the inability of a people, not the tyrant who deserved and not even neoliberal. In the construction of the character is, just, design errors, poor vocabulary. Where plane was wrong, the author was, perhaps, in its assessment of current historical phenomenon trujillismo, error of perspective. Vargas Llosa came to the country to document and write about thinking Trujillo Trujillo was dead and buried and sparked a scandal-a scandal, because Trujillo lives and sends his legacy lives and commands. His successors have held and hold positions of power and control, influence, determine, manipulate, affect all sections of society. In fact trujillismo has permeated and cornered during paramount thirty-nine years corridors of power. Economic and military sectors still respond to the tenant of the Maximum Gomez 25.

Trujillo Characters of the cavern hold leading positions in the direction of public affairs and in the direction of the three major parties vying for power. Neighborhoods and street names honoring the memory of thugs and limpiasacos. A son of Trujillo, the beneficiary of a large inheritance and current owner of an airline, recently declared himself proud of his surname. Rotten in the country, many champions of press freedom from the ranks of Trujillo. Without going any further, the government of Leonel Fernandez was the product of compromise between the new Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) and Balaguer trujillismo.

The scheme saves, of course, looks. Is celebrated annually on 30 May as a national holiday, but the famous Pechito, one of those responsible for the slaughter of Finance Mary, and were executed the survivors of the plot, communion Sunday, religiously, with impunity, at a church in Arroyo Hondo . Is celebrated annually, as a tragic farce, the International Women's Day in commemoration of the sacrifice of the Mirabal sisters, but when it came to the country some years don Alicinio Peña Rivera, identified and convicted as the principal murderer, a fugitive from nu justice, was granted the use of the Library National circulation of a book about Porfirio Rubirosa, despite the scandal, despite the protests, despite the outrage, there was no material force that held it, there was no way to return him to prison where he belongs, not was no way to prevent their departure and Alicinio Rivera Peña continues to live in Puerto Rico, despite the UN resolution which establishes the International Women's Day in honor of the Mirabal sisters.

In the upper echelons of power, the Mirabal sisters have less sympathy than their murderers. In the upper echelons of the political government, more interested in stopping that direct the course of justice, the murdered journalist Orlando Martinez has less sympathy than their murderers. President of clean hands, Salvador Jorge Blanco, generally amounted to one of his killers the day that marked the eleventh anniversary of his muerte.Hipólito Mejía, of the same party of current President Jorge Blanco and the res publica, as properly told the Romans, visited in jail during his campaign - "for reasons of friendship and humanity perhaps the most brilliant intellectual murderer noted journalist (as in" intellectual "should be discussed). In a further gesture of nobility, perhaps for the same reasons of friendship, humanity and solidarity, appointed in his cabinet, with the rank of Secretary of State, another of the "intellectuals" linked to the murder. Worse, perhaps not far off a pardon from prison to redeem the four executors recently sentenced to thirty years.

one thing, then, the face and a mask. Trujillo lives and commands. Long live the Chief! His heirs and disciples are still the masters of the country, are the wizards of rhythm. They control the power, they control the information, they control the story, to some extent, but do not control the whole truth. The court and its courtiers Vargas Llosa received like a prince, coddled, treated to assimilate as king's jester. Perhaps that subtly reminded that shit do not bat and beat Vargas Llosa, very selectively by the way, and the smell is terrible.

Break ranks!
Mario Vargas Llosa and the Silver Masked

The reaction against the Feast of the Goat was immediate, and instead began, as we have seen, before the actual party. From the ranks of Trujillo, the book has been disqualified for their inaccuracy, their fabrications, their slanders against people so languid, so mild, so sublime as Dr. Joaquín Balaguer, a doctor who has made an art of cynicism. This, of course, have to celebrate. Vargas Llosa himself pleaded happy at the start of circulation of the book to have irritated the Trujillistas with their proposals.

relatives of the heroes of May 30 have responded, equally sharply: accuse the author from engaging in falsehoods and generally feel insulted, not been considered by some events described in the book. This, of course, is unfortunate, but it was also inevitable. Impossible not to hurt feelings, being a thorny issue.

A considerable part of the critical expressed in the same direction: lack of rigor, lack of truthfulness, a mixture of fiction and reality, distortion of history.

But in every case you forget what is essential to the nature of the text: The Feast of the Goat is novel and not history, and is not disqualify a novel by its lack of adherence to reality. Who proceed in this way are placed in a false perspective, analyze or judge the work of art it should be and not what it is.

Some of this said, referring to the novel Enriquillo of Manuel de Jesús Galván, in an essay, Notes on Enriquillo, 1978 (p. 59). The test in question (published by Editora Taller de José Cuello, the same publisher of Vargas Llosa, "modesty depart"), dust and rescue me interested in some ideas that now come in handy. I quote, for me, and I quote from the following:

Certainly, the context of the novel is anti-historical Galván. But what matters ultimately is not the behavior of the characters and the story told strictly correspond to reality. If, within the general context of the work these elements work artistically and integrated, then there is no possible objection based literature. Every work of art is a response intellectually (and highly) organized historical problems and conflicts of the time. Therefore, literary analysis requires establishing a link between the socio cultural and global structure of the work, but not in individuals. What would then the fantasy and magic realism and Greek mythology? Surely no one would question Homer and García Márquez by the fact telling lies. Who has shown that the aesthetic value of a work is its attachment to reality? If a historian falsifies history, will produce a little book worthy of consideration. If you do a novelist, does not mean anything in terms literary and artistic, as the great problem of art is not truth, is the likely: things must seem true in the context of the narrative, not the historical context. (P. 61).

Well look, Vargas Llosa's novel is a tribute of admiration for our heroes, but also a duty of hatred and contempt for torturers, thugs, informers and courtiers. There are, among others, two types of characters in the play, some which have redemption and redeemed, and others for which there is no redemption.

The conspirators do not appear as saints from the ranks of trujillato and that is a historical fact. But yes, they purged their sins, and redeemed in the blood washed their sins. The washed and redeemed by the blood of Trujillo, the blood itself, with the innocent blood of relatives of others, entirely to the facts. None of the conspirators committed a foul perhaps superior to slaughter, no shadow of doubt, no question outweigh their service. Thus, no obstacle was superior to his determination, nothing compares to his courage nor the magnitude of that feat. Seven men on the evening of May 30 on the Malecon, risked their destination, they played the fate of their relatives, risked the fate of the country. The bet was won and lost. The homeland momentarily won the bet and got rid of the monster. Another monster, even more cunning, took his place and remains, yet perversely influences from Maximo Gomez 25.

Failure to be saints While enhances rather than decrease them. History teaches that behaviors can straighten bent and straightened, sometimes. Take, for example, the case of Caamaño, not to mention San Pablo. There is less credit to some extent, in the conduct of the saint in the conduct of one who is redeemed by heroism. There is less merit, perhaps, in the conduct of the saint who only risks his holiness, that the conduct of that that it plays in the field where it has nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Moreover, the figure of the saint does not exist in real life. The true Holy-The silver-masked character is a Mexican comic strips with which I could feast on the children - be ashamed! - Nothing is more false than the Duarte saint who appears in a book of Balaguer, a sweetened Duarte , chaste and abstract, an imaginary Duarte which many rightly scoff. Balaguer Duarte invented a mystical Christ of freedom, neither more nor less, and the way he invented himself as a projection of Duarte and Christ. Why not? As a courtier, at last, Balaguer is a magician of the split. If you ever said that was not the son of the blood, but of the lineage of Trujillo, now you can imagine depositary of pure thought and Christian libertarian.

In short, if it is uphill canonize Duarte (and even persist in the "myth of the three Founding Fathers," as Jimenes Grullon), best not try to canonize Mella, or Sánchez, much less to Luperon. The conspirators of May 30 they need not be raised to the altar, even with the blessing of the Vatican. Similarly, Vargas Llosa does not deserve the condemnation of family and mourners. For those who want see and learn to see, if anything characterizes the Feast of the Goat is the extraordinary phenomenon of empathy that is produced there. That is, the process of emotional involvement of the narrator in the events of these characters, their full availability. The whole fabric of the novel vibrates with admiration for the fate of these heroes. It is not hagiography, as Vargas Llosa said, there is history of saints. It is story of people who act without hesitation in a climate of unprecedented terror and takes place in the action. Is done, paradoxically what Roque Dalton called "full holiness action." The sanctity of the hero's heroism.

The courtiers Vargas Llosa
In Vargas Llosa's novel repeatedly referred to, and not coincidentally, a historical figure who is also a character in a novel. Petronius is imperial Rome, a wealthy landowner, owner of thousands of slaves. (This is the author of Petronius' Satyricon, a work with which I identify for reasons of complicity and surname). But it is also the Petronius Quo vadis? The Petronius Enrique Sienkiewicz's novel ever sold like hotcakes. Petronio is the arbiter of elegance, the arbiter elegantiorum, the courtly par excellence. An emblematic figure, no doubt.

Petronio in the novel, is the most refined and exasperating of flatterers of Nero. But Petronio is a flatterer disenchanted, one that is caught, that is not there by choice. In the flattery brings into play all his intelligence and, sometimes, life. The trick is a matter of flattery, mental acuity, by which means the opposite of what he says. Here's the scene:

Nero just reciting some verses of his song to the burning of Troy. It flatters the audience with one voice. Petronio disagrees. He says that these verses are worthy of the fire. Comes a range of terror. Everyone thought he had sealed his death sentence. Caesar demands Petronio explanation and gives a twist to his words. Punish the lightness of the present. No one there knows nothing about poetry. These verses are worthy of Ovid, Virgil, including Homer, but they are not worthy of you, Nero, you're on higher ground. Nero looks at him with watery eyes, moved. Only you, Petronius, I say the truth.

A Petronio, basically, everything that he hated and was noted in the few pages of Satyricon have survived. Servility in life is redeemed by participating in the conspiracy of Piso, for which he was sentenced to open his veins. Sienkiewicz's novel is redeemed from death, with a letter is priceless:

Health, August, and not sing, kill, but do not make poetry; poisons, but not dance, fire, but do not touch the harp!

Petronio's example is not abundant among the courtiers of the era of Trujillo, but found similar cases of intellectuals, especially collaborating with the regime and went into opposition, pen in hand, pay point with blood (Galindez, Almoina, Requena).

The courtiers of the Feast of the Goat act, in general, otherwise. They are followers, not dissent, as suggested by John Daniel Balcácer in a recent article. Do not take risks (and is almost the only one not taken), are pleased to be where they are and vie for the favors of Trujillo elbows. The worst that can happen is to fall from grace of the head, and sometimes fall, paradoxically, by over-zealous, over-subservience.

The low blow on the novel by Vargas Llosa is directed specifically against these fawning courtiers, the courtiers. It's a cheap shot, very low, by the very nature of the target, a kind of low-flying missile. The author condemns, without doubt, the thugs, and mortify punish unscrupulous informers, denouncing the cruelty of the torturers and features Trujillo as a demented murderer, but the courtiers are receiving the worst part to them is reserved the most adverse ruling, the maximum penalty in the last circle of Dante's hell. The courtiers are more black sheep of the novel and have suffered as well: they hit the cry, or have masked the winding stinging words, but they remain worth callados.La abominable sort of courtiers inspires disgust. They are strangers to those who "liked to get dirty", which seem to "trujillo them out of the bottom of a vocation masochistic soul, beings that needed to be spat at, abused, which were made to feel abject." The courtier, seems to say Vargas Llosa, is all the more reprehensible in that he has the gift of intelligence and has received the benefit of culture. A courtier knavery compounded by the lack of moral values, even the absence of self-worth, lack of ideals.

In fact, the courtier will not aspire nor does it aspire to an ideal. The courtier no heroism, for the courtier no redemption. Is a prostitute. If you offer a woman or girl is because he has offered himself.

In the pages of The Feast of the Goat, which are many, there is a deployment, a stop, all a glorious parade of characters from the creeping kind, that subspecies of courtiers, palace, courtly, pimps, matchmaker, pimps, limpiasacos, Lambone, tumbapolvos, sycophants, Beefeaters, jesters and sycophants or they will call. They are not all they were, nor are they all were: just a representative sample. The author evidently fond of some of them and refused to show their shame. Otherwise we would have witnessed horrifying events and espeleznudos, orgies and black masses, courtly dances macabre costumes dancing in women.

A Vargas Llosa escaped or let out, specifically, at least one of the courtiers was unworthy of Glorious. The son of the courtier, who thrived in the shadow of power, now is a man of power, with its own courtiers and áuliquitos court, and that explains a lot. The sins of the father are the sins of the son, of course, but the son has been able to manufacture a sinister history, the fruit of their efforts and just effort, and burden on their shoulders with no responsibilities inherited from the father.

So this is an abominable character in its own right: the epitome of arrogance. Is a character rather surreal face so hard he laughs at jokes public persevere against Trujillo and Trujillo's practices with Liberal government complacency. A will, for example, has managed, manipulated, preyed Trujillo file to wash the honor of noble families, including courtiers propia.Algunos displayed on the novel by Vargas Llosa with names more or less distorted and more and less recognizable.

Others, like Henry Chirinos, with invented names, and others, as Balaguer, with real names. Balaguer, in any form is distinctive and worth little or nothing to camouflage a fictitious name. In the novel called Doctor Sención Viriato Ramos and sulfur was the same. The mystery, however, involves Henry Chirinos. The people of a certain age question by Chirinos Chirinos connoisseurs inquire about and do not identify because Chirinos is, obviously, a prototype, the prototype of various courtiers. His description is probably a mixture of physical and courtiers personalities of the era: fat as Fulano, Zutano dirty as, drunk as Richard Roe, etc.. Chirinos is a bit all a concoction, a cocktail party, a raid of courtiers, whipped indignity.

Balaguer is only one, unequivocal, overwhelmingly like himself. The mystery lies in its identity but in personality. Balaguer partly takes care, morbid, curiosity, it takes a little admiration the narrator, and surely most laudatory adjectives are not novel. At the cost of Balaguer, the author tested all the disparaging remarks you can imagine, and Balaguer, of course, she deserves, qualify, no doubt, as the object of such vicious and righteous exercise of intelligence. Tanning in the exercise demonic power, Balaguer is undoubtedly the most ominous figure in Dominican history.

Other leaders were the product of circumstances. Balaguer chose 'circumstances, he created the conditions for the establishment of a regime based on corruption, he took public morals to a state of putrefaction of which could not recovered so far. Could have devoted at least part of their existence to a decent cause, moderately fair, and devoted himself entirely to Evil. For that lived nearly a century. "Nothing preserves as much as hatred," said an author I can not remember, and there is Balaguer to prove it.

Vargas LlosaCuando The impossible takes the risk a novelist writing about a topic unrelated to their experiences and their culture, usually against a wall faced insurmountable, especially where foreign. Subject knowledge can be acquired through study, reading, proper documentation, but documentation does not replace the experiential element. Through knowledge is acquired, the maximum second-hand experiences. As a culture, not acquired ever, but not assimilated by living it from within, especially a particular aspect of culture, the more slippery and treacherous: speech.

The writer should be attentive to the speech, among other things, you should watch the speech, not just the speech itself, but the talk of the country, speech classes, slum and marginal groups, speech generation. Where domininio exercises speech writer must act knowingly if you want to grope. The theme of a novel about jevitos and the subject of a novel about peasants demand first experiences or second hand and a good command of speech, slang.

Moreover, any novelist, faced with a reality that does not dominate, stood as a stranger, regardless of their place of origin. If the writer is not familiar with the subject, or vice versa, is in a position of risk is an alien, exposed to a false perspective.

Write what you know, they say the classics, writes of what surrounds you, write about what you have to live closely. One can not imagine Sartre writing novels about peasants, as Gorky, Gorki writing novels or philosophy.

Sartre wrote about neurotic intellectual and existential, that is, and Gorky wrote about the poor. Kafka, of course, writing about failed, Dovstoieski on alienation, on degenerate drunks Faulkner, Hemingway on adventures sprinkled with plenty of whiskey, and Henry Miller on women and gender. Only the giant Tolstoy could write the history of history Mujica and cavalry officer, handle 559 characters in one novel and write the history of Russia during the Napoleonic campaign. So, so vast were their world and their experiences.

to write One Hundred Years of Solitude had to be born in Aracataca, the burden had to be experiential García Márquez, having lived in a haunted house, believing in people and occurrences, have had an amazing childhood and, above all, talent and inspiration unbridled genius of García Márquez. To enter the city and the dogs, Vargas Llosa had to go through Leoncio Prado military academy. Four years in Switzerland, in a boarding school for bourgeoise, they would have the same effect, would not have provided the same novel material.

The novel par excellence is experiential. The other novel, any other novel intellectual closer affection intelligence, closer than imagined that the intensely lived. "I was getting cold myths," García Márquez once said, alarmed, and rightly so, wanting to express it that you were running the experiences, the experiences deep, first hand. Heads, The Green House, Conversation in the Cathedral are still formidable experiential and even biographical novels, novels for excellence. The Feast of the Goat is an intellectual novel, reconstruction, or rather, a historical recreation, a bit like The War of the End of the world, bridging the gap.

Vargas Llosa was updated with chronic but not with the culture of the Dominicans, especially with speech, and speech betrays him at times, the narrative voice, betrays you, it denounces as a Peruvian with a English passport.

Valle Inclán only able to cross the barrier of speaking with impunity, making up a speech. He did it all again, Tirano Banderas, and instead of a passive use of speech, coupled speech, spoken in Latin America, and created a huge pastiche, the literary grotesque, perhaps the only way to approach a total Latin American novels.

In the speech of the Dominicans, it refers to Calle Doctor Delgado and not Doctor Street Delgado. In the speech of the Dominicans, the environment does not smell like gasoline, gasoline but, boy, gasoline and fried. The Dominicans, moreover, do not throw buckets, but buckets and buckets of water. Even more: the Dominicans (Dominican feminist and) the things they do not hatch but balls. Birdbrain word applies to the size of the penis and rarely the condition idiot, lazy or stupid, as in parts of southern English. The Birdbrain, in fact, is simply a gifted among us. Finally, the church where Bishop Honeycomb celebrating mass in La Vega, it was invaded by a gaggle of mistresses, but prostitutes, an entire leather stringing a cuererío.

There are more serious things in the novel, as noted by Diogenes Cespedes, including syntax and other horrors of glaring faults. But all of these, at bottom, are but trifles, minor slips that could be corrected by retaining the services of a copyeditor (there is Rafael DEPRAT, for example, working for Cardinal). Borges, Borges himself, used the services of a copyeditor. For his part, García Márquez uses as a copyeditor to his friend, the brilliant writer and poet Alvaro Mutis (how soft!). Gabo is so paranoid that when describing a full moon consultation with an astronomer to attest to the fact, and when one of his characters eat a fruit, a botanical consultant to corroborate the fruit.

Worst of Vargas Llosa's novel is a chronic excess of his attachment to the chronicle, rather, especially chronic and of Crassweller Diederich. Diederich, for the uninitiated, is the author of The Dead of the goat (the goat's death) among us runs with the title The death of the dictator, perhaps the best book on the May 30 attack. Crassweller, moreover, has written a biography documented: Trujillo, the tragic saga of personal power. Interest in these works speak its many runs. Both share, in fact, the dubious honor of having been thousand times reissued by pirates patio.Si is true that Vargas Llosa read a hundred books to read up on Trujillo and "able to lie properly, as do the novelists, it is equally true that all, almost all novel information on the Feast of the Goat refers mainly to works of the aforementioned authors.

So heavy is the chronic, excessive and chronic, and in particular debt Diederich, which at times threatens the narrative. At times the narrative is just a fictionalized version of the death of the goat, which separates a word in the title. Numerous characters listed with ranges, nicknames, names directly from the pages of Diederich, uprooted without the mediation of estrus novel, so to speak, as pedantic.

Julio Cortazar, the good-natured of July, in an article in an anthology called "The situation of the novel" (which brought me to Rome, gently, the celebrated Henry Lengüemime, with dedication and all), established a subtle difference between two types of novelists who "have to explain, or (the best of them) that explain counting." The first stop the progress of the narrative to explain, engage in explanations, and the latter explained on the fly, ie As narrated. It is clear that there is more finesse, greater awareness of the technical office of the latter than of the former, more fluid narrative, and perhaps therein lies a little difference between novel and chronic. The writer describes and explains, while the novelist explained in the same way that relates. In the beginning of a story anthology of Juan Bosch ("With his sensitive eye Encarnación Mendoza fugitive had distinguished the outline of a tree twenty feet ...") is a superb example of what this means: the explanation that introduces and reveals the character, describe a situation that contains most of the narrative. The author explains counting.

Vargas Llosa ranks as columnist in The Feast of the Goat, but not in the green house, for example, or in the city and the dogs, which are works of a very technical. This capital and unforgivable error, or rather incomprehensible, a writer of his stature, brings into play the narrative structure. The novel tumbles, moving in fits and starts and usually succumbs, precisely, to the chronic excess. The chronic excess and inappropriate vocabulary are the cardinal sins of the work. Apart, of course, the kidnapping of Lipe. Lipe Collado plagiarizing itself is truly inexcusable (I think there are people who understand me.) Plagiarizing the myth of eternal return, of course. Ulises plagiarizing, you understand, but Lipe not plagiarize, please too.

Finally, in literary terms, the value of the Feast of the Goat is relative. Fortunately, the importance of literature is not confined to the literary, not just a fact of language, as is claimed, an act of thought is also a historical and sociological: it belongs to the realm of ideology, which is slightly as belonging to all fields. No reduction, therefore, its stylistic excellence, narrative. Many works poorly written and poorly concocted sometimes have exerted enormous influence through the ages and have played a far more important than other better bill. The small Harriet Beecher-Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, Lincoln broke out in the words of the American Civil War, although the book does not shine exactly famous for their excellence. That is what happens now with the work of Vargas Llosa. There has unleashed a war, fortunately, they have spawned at least one outbreak of fire, a blaze of anger and reflection in the consciousness of the Dominicans.

flawless works-many of them-are often born dead cold. The Feast of the Goat, with all its flaws, is a living work, vivid, while Puritan critics baffled. If in literary terms is relative value, in sociological terms its value and its scope is immense. The publication of The Feast of the Goat is the most important literary sociological event occurred in the country since the death of Trujillo (not to mention the kidnapping of Lipe, of course). Vargas Llosa, besides other things, has raised between us a resurgence of reading novels as a mass phenomenon (which occurred mainly in the sixties with the authors of the Latin American boom, and in the brief interval of nineties, Viriato Sención and those who forged the signature of God.) Vargas Llosa has rethought somewhat of a theme (rather than the novel is the issue) that far exceeds the time barrier and has penetrated deeply into the old and new generations. Vargas Llosa refreshes the memory of the sacrifice of our heroes, it refreshes the horror of the torture they were subjected to makes us win by vomiting recalling the episode in which a Modesto Baez Diaz make the child eat meat. Vargas Llosa, in short, exposes his own disgust Trujillo, his own shame, recalls, updates his crimes and cowardice. So cry some, and have cried "like goats.

We forgive you, then, to this great country citizen iberoafroamericana their venial sins and capital in the writing of his novel. If you do not want to go back to the time of the Inquisition, we must forgive even Vargas Llosa the neoliberal imperial ideology. With his right he has, it could have been a champion boxer. Luckily a novelist. God bless. Toledo bless him.

pcs / santo domingo
30/7/2000 @ pedro.conde

originally posted: of which in the veins númreo 22, corresponding to our No. 55, April 2001 Library
Under Lights, Streaks Collection

Separated Critical

* Pedro Conde was born in San Francisco de Macoris (Republic Republic), in 1945. He studied Humanities at the University of Rome, and has been Professor of Modern History at the Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) and professor of history and literature at the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo. Pedro Conde is one of the most important literary critics Dominicans of the last hundred years: Their analysis, always political, and not always shared by the traditional criticism are always rigorous and difficult to ignore. (Source: Google)

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streaks posted by Magazine Digital 12:28 p.m.

Joel Regalado said ...
One of the best commentary, analysis has been written about La Fiesta del Chivo. Don Pedro is superb, eloquent, smart, Vargas Llosa inmenso.Ojala someday read this comentario.Ojala Dominicans understand that the analysis of a novel is not based on isolated comments and disconnected from each other, not just deploy a myriad of sentences without rhyme or reason, which repeat the same concept in each paragraph. Analyze a novel is this: judge it in all areas, not gloating, pompous ins with a specific gravity of applied intelligence value, using a global context sociological, humanistic, literary critics historico.A Dominican recent years, we should make read this review ... so stop writing Legalese ... to know and learn to criticize a work is an exercise as bright as anyone else. Superb Don Pedro. Irrefutable, intelligent, sharp ... and stop here because it is not advisable to boil over into adjectives not be too exaggerated.
3:38 PM


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