ccording Connie Mack, the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs of the House U.S. the threat of a failed state looms over our southern border with Mexico
. Warned in a meeting at which, according to David Brooks, and the use of terms such as
failed state and war
, has contemplated the possibility of sending troops
. (La Jornada (J) 04/14/2011 p.9) How do we reach this state of affairs? What is the genesis of the decline of the Mexican State?
ask this because, almost in parallel, our deputies reciberon Senate Bill Public Private Partnership (LAPP) promoted by the World Bank (WB)-entity subrogated to the U.S. Treasury, and approved por el PRI y el PAN, para privatizar los servicios públicos del Estado formalizando relaciones contractuales de largo plazo entre instancias del sector público y del sector privado para la prestación de servicios al sector público o al usuario final en los que se utiliza una infraestructura provista total o parcialmente por el sector privado
Manuel Bartlett fue al meollo del asunto al advertir que así arrancaría la progresiva entrega de la gestión de inmensos presupuestos para salud, educación, transportes, seguridad, etcétera, reduciendo el perímetro del Estado
. Esa merma es parte del Proyecto 2030
de privatización y desnacionalización ( Contralínea 21/02/2010) in force for 29 years, when establishing the rules
WB / IDB. Looming threat that mentioned Mack, because the design of public investment fell in the field and in the production system, weakened as wages, job creation and income polarized. With an eye on the sector petroeléctrico, placed on auction banks, 58 airports, domestic airlines, 21 comprehensive port authorities, railways, roads so long as the NAFTA regulations eased by increasing the flow of goods, including drugs, weapons and money, while great country we vulneralizó auction. Privatizations provide opportunities for organized crime by the withdrawal of the state territorial and essential functions now.
As Zedillo ports and airports to foreign companies, recalled Jaime Martínez Veloz, the managers of these areas of national security are appointed from Spain, France, Germany, Denmark, China and the U.S.. In the so-called war on drugs, or in any conflict, what is the control of the State in areas administered by persons whose position is owed to a foreign company?
. (J/8/4/2011)
According to James Moody, former section chief of the Division of Drug FBI Organized Crime from the presidency of Salinas were used incentives to attract foreign capital. One of them says in a document, is the sale of state enterprises to private investors, companies including major financial institutions, factories and industrial businesses and leading services worth billions of dollars
. In these privatizations there was corruption and money laundering operations
... parastatal privatization process were purchased by Mexican drug trafficking organizations and Colombian
( The sale of Mexico , p.123). Jack Blum, former chief of staff of the Foreign Relations Committee United States Senate, the Moody's report is the incrimination stronger by a U.S. official that the drugs have dominion over Mexico in the shadow of political modernization Salinas, who was encouraged by Washington and international financial organizations
As the United States, its companies and banks, as well as boosting the LAPP not stop the laundering of money or the vast flow of arms or clarify
Fast and Furious, Mexico would be a failed state sui generis : security threat narcopotencia that the sponsors!, or is it really go after the north and its patrimonial sea?
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