Mankind is aware of what is happening in Japan after the great earthquake of March 11 last.
More precisely, what is happening and will happen as regards the nuclear plants, which are those affected by the earthquake, which are occurring hazards that may impact beyond the boundaries of the nation Japan. We can point to as one of those compromising situations precisely, the release of radiation into the atmosphere with the risks this entails.
And this is happening any more and nothing less than the third world economy and one of the first companies scientifically, technically and economically better equipped.
Japan produces 40 percent of its electricity through nuclear power plants and paradoxically hangs over a hundred million people the threat of a blackout to the extent that they can not reverse critical situation that is going through one of its 54 nuclear power plants.
If anyone still thinks Uruguay installed in a nuclear generating plant, or is perfect is an incorrigible irresponsible or corrupt.
If the situation prevailing in China we add, the crisis we are experiencing global economies, the survey that we live in Arab countries, wars and installed almost a decade and the possibility of expansion in the same area and the orthodox, dogmatic policies, generically called neo-liberal in the Western world, we can easily conclude to be in front, what the prophetic writings of our ancestors we are told, detailing the steps prior to extinction.
In Uruguay's Frente Amplio in government, we have trouble locating our society into what we call above humanity.
Those who do not flee from the information, we live on a daily basis installed violence in this society every day more degraded. Without going into the controversy whether or repression repression if not, whether these are the consequences of implementing economic policies that cater to the majority, or whether these consequences are due to the result of education policies implemented by decades, the fact is that results obtained Front in power worsened in these areas, we affirm without recourse to statistical data, it appears to the naked eye.
Violence in sports, domestic violence and death, violence and death among neighbors, almost on a daily basis somewhere in our country. Youth who have not broken any rules and does not exceed fifteen years of age displayed on faceebook posing with guns in their hands in a sort of pep talk to the offense. More and worse
prostitution, in a corner if and to the other also. Prisoners who kill themselves in prisons with weapons supplied by the rampant police corruption. Inmates burned in the cells die, they tell us of the shortcomings of the reserves moral and ethical authority to others, and together with a blind eye to observe the judicial authorities, especially those events involving some political authority, closed circle where within the drown the cries of those calling plain and simple application of the law.
Our whole society is sick, and every day but we are like our distant cousins, transforming ourselves into bipedal with clothing.
The rationale for a given situation seems to be a behavior Perim.
take the facts as presented to us and to qualify as immovable with the only movement reflective when asked who asked him is, "and I can not doing nothing "is as deadly as a trigger-happy, which exploit those who are responsible for having brought to the citizens of this state of affairs.
One edge more distressing than the front in the government carries out is not questions related deepening-up and collaboration with the U.S. military. What began in this new era of Frente, the government of Vasquez, with the signing of several economic agreements trade.
With the installation of the polyclinic in the Santa Catalina with funds from the U.S. Southern Command, which in the opinion of Victor Licancro general, this is, an embryo of a future U.S. military base.
We must also remember the arrival and stay of J. Bush for the space of 36 hours. Where the country remained occupied by foreign military forces entered the country without the permission parliamentary question.
already in the government of this aspect Mujica not change, however. The Southern Command chief was received by the government of Pepe shortly after assuming his presidency. A few months later the Southern Command donates $ 500,000 to parliament. And these days we're getting to the Undersecretary of Defense for Latin America, Frank Mora, a strategic dialogue between the two countries that seeks to expand cooperation between the two nations.
For us, the Uruguayan not fill us in four lies, the race is to get at creating a political and economic alternative to offset the irrational ravings, productive, consumer, and that marginalizes every day more people, rather than the catastrophic consequences of not prevailing system leave any trace of human existence.
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