Mexico: Theatre of War
sa subordination irrefutable testimony called Porfirio Munoz Ledo
(PML), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, visiting Calderon to the White House, noting that only February 23 EU imposed an arms embargo on Libya because of the risk of violation of human rights
. already proved that he can do, but does not require anything to Obama
. Why this laxity of Los Pinos and the reticent and sly rejection of the U.S. government to stop the huge flow of ammunition to armed bodies, under various labels, operating in Mexico? Is not the United States, the originator, manager and alleged partner in the anti-crime through the Merida Initiative?
Why Colombia adopted the model of the Pentagon (DoD), making the country el teatro de una guerra no-convencional
, que para el Comando Norte incluya el uso aquí de la contrainsurgencia y anti-terrorismo como en Afganistán e Irak, masacrando nuestra población y abriendo frentes y distracciones a las Fuerzas Armadas Mexicanas (FAM), socavando la función de defensa nacional
, con gran desgaste en el combate al narcotráfico, que en rigor, corresponde, como en todo el mundo, a fuerzas de investigación/acción policial, financiera e inteligencia y de salud pública?
¿Por qué en cuatro años de “guerra al narco ” Estados Unidos no ha interrumpido el enorme flujo de armamento y munición?
John Dodson, of the Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff and Firearms, and reported along with other officials opposed the transaction fast and furious turned them from above
instruction to pass to Mexico, thousands of AK-47 type weapons. Before the Senate Judiciary Committee said his objections were systematically neutralized by their supervisors
, frustrated in their attempts to convince the White House
to implement controls that mortal racking. What is it?, Does induce internal collapse and armed intervention? Wikileaks cables show that suffer an anti-national, proconsul, with officials and U.S. agencies operating as an authority on security.
Given the Calderon said Washington Post (WP ) for critical reviews of newly released Carlos Pascual, the State Department replied that no one is talking about change because ambassador is doing a tremendous job U.S. name ...
Pascual is a diplomatic and national security official
, whose advice about Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia called it years later to head the Office of Reconstruction and Stabilization, equivalent, according to the WP , a Colonial Office: Great design is a cross-departmental and inter-agency comparable only with the Manhattan Project
, according to the DoD Defense Science Board, with two consequences described in Terror and Empire (Arena, 2006): a) an unprecedented expansion of functions and military operations throughout the United States government, and b) the establishment of a nation building function to capture within the structure of the U.S. government the functions of a sovereign state, ie defense, foreign external economy: an empire-building in countries like Colombia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, etc., rich in strategic resources by way of inducing
failed states. Hence the relevance of PML signal that Calderón took the U.S. interventionist project, which includes Pascual, for its expertise in failed states
: and Calderon agreed that there was a dual authority in the country
Worse, while the FAM attaches to the burden of anti-narco war with anti-constitutional reform
energy and incentive contracts, Los Pinos opened dozens of oil and Halliburton type signatures, valuable oil fields. At the time of peak oil irresponsibility that is high: the story shows that security and defense of such deposits is essential to sovereignty, as documented by Friedrich Katz in Secret War in Mexico . Reading it is de rigueur.
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