Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How Much Does Jcpenney Charge For Hair Dye

U.S. President Barack Obama leads the presidential salary $ 33,394 per month for running a country of 310 million people. What is Mexico's Felipe Calderón to $ 16,524 which is responsible for the future of 112 million people. Behind him, the new president of Brazil, Dilma Roussef, charges $ 15,619 and has under its mandate to 193 million.

In the fourth place ranking is a president that has no money problems: Sebastián Piñera. The Chilean leader, who manages the 17 million target pockets $ 15,042 a month. José Mujica charged $ 11,721 to govern 3.5 million Uruguayans, but Pepe's salary could not care less. This is demonstrated every day in his humble way of life. For his part, President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, receives $ 9,968 and has under its wing to 44 million people.
Extracted from newspaper El Tiempo, Colombia

is noteworthy that the sueldaso Pepe received, even allowing for certain that donates a substantial part of it, or set on fire in a corner, it is important that the state coffers each month must pay such a sum.
Nor do comparisons with the minimum wage, they receive thousands and thousands of citizens in our country.

Farm Lesson Relacionados Online


GALERÍA ELBABENÍTEZ: marzo-abril 2011

Party! Not tea party! O, lo que es lo mismo, ¡el mundo es una fiesta! Claro que, y a continuación, depende de que parte de la tarta te toque.

A estas altura del partido, no se trata de dinamitar al poder desde fuera (mucho menos desde dentro), ni de sacar las vergüenzas del “sistema”. Power, almost as embarrassing to mention here Foucault, is a rare thing: a structure-technology-to which we turn our face looking for someone or something that gives it some dimension. The power is that which gives form and which we ourselves, we shape, being then the psychic life of power that makes me back to myself.

But without a doubt that Garaicoa not think of building structures of subjectivity. He thinks that great pulpit power as "scaffolding" on which he perched mountebanks as true, people from very different coat gave us their speeches to, in the heat for the media battle, win or lose a handful of votes.

And perhaps this is one of the virtues of this exhibition: no beating around the bush too abstract and philosophical than to stick to that which, while not-Machado-what happens in the street, if what happens in the media-oseasé, in reality.

of both labels, both face to face and some ideologies and only seek the haven of the armchair and the office to see that there is no rumor that a great holiday, perhaps a show several steps beyond the show-business. Debate, political discourse, convention, party meeting, campaign speech, rally, breakfast briefing, etc, are all forms of speech to gain visibility, so let's not forget they are there, that are still there, that, despite signifying nothing too, that the media noise simulates a perfectly flat screen where every act of meaning is doomed to failure, his words still have the importance they "deserve."

But now we are not we that we should walk around the bush. Carlos Garaicoa is Cuban and, as such, as born 1967, son of revolution. His memory, his present and his most rabid future is what is at stake in each of their proposals. A few months ago, for example, the installation took place in Madrid Slaughterhouse within the program by Works Open seven tapestries available in the soil which represented some of the signatures of former shops of Havana with evocative names like La Lucha, Thought, No rival or Queen. Texts can be read regularly in the soils of this port city and on which intervened Carlos Garaicoa altering its original meaning.

Thus, the variables have on the mat to play are those which refer to history and power, space and memory, and along with them, the structures linguistic, anthropological and architectural work at the dynamic and condenser of a given reality.

This time, high level conceptual skills coupled with a more formal shape to a remarkable exhibition, without looking too, which reveals itself well to clear the phantasmagoria that what has become known as ideology.

If Althusser, the thinker a result of which appear to the modern theory of power together with ideology, understood as a way to subject-subject constituted externally by the power that challenges the ideological form, the ideology now has become a spectacle in the show business to become a spectacle. And that's because of ideology Althusser was passed to the discipline of Foucault as productive structure of subjectivity to finish falling, over the past years, the drill machinic perfection: everything is a feast for all, ideology and policy almost before any other instance, went to the ghostly entertainment. In Debord say, "the show is a specialized activity that speaks for all others."

If it understand the role of discipline as that which is to produce an integrated subjective time without loss goal this time is no longer the individual existence but the continuation of the work process and production cycles, now converted that time in the leisure and entertainment of the show itself, the equation solved ends in the absolute omnipotence of the show as current production system. So, again, as the title says ... party, NOT tea party!

is in the work entitled Prêt à Porter where Garaicoa emphasizes the deterioration of ideology converted in fad in games designed to compliment the hypervisibility of subjects that form the fabric of politics. On a table, the artist has molds for high-fashion hats while intervening in newspaper clippings photographic each personality playing politics with a different hat. Thus, the metaphor is served: if power is the costume party to which nobody except the politicians are invited, if the hat is the gift interchangeable brand belonging to a club, hat molds are subjectivities and not only formed but most of all shaped and manipulated by a power so speculate as spectacular as festive as insidious.

Another work, The tree of abundance , invites us to stand and throw coins of 2 and 5 cents a magnetic metal tree as a source of desires in question. Perhaps this power and desire come together to shape a new unveiling: it is both, and even more in the current regime of the spectacular, refer to each other so that power may not be, after all, but the totemic instance comprised of all coins thrown by all of us. Desires, fears, fears, ambitions, all this comes on top in the inverted image that gives us power.

But, however, as should always take the last word should be ours, that political discourse is empty, obsolete within a few strategies marketonianas purchase / sale of votes, that ideology is merely the container for which all speech is valid, is a really so obvious that we should not be allowed to obscure the urgent need resemantizing retrain and all socio-political spectrum. That's what helps art to it, no doubt, help this magnificent exhibition.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Can,cer Survivor Tattoo


No cookies, no sandwich, no couch, much less with champagne, took forward the scheduled celebration of 40 years of existence, of creation, the emergence of the March 26 Movement.
As expected, rose against the headquarters of 26 in Peach and Paraguay, a beautiful podium that bears the imposing figure of the face of Ibero Gutierrez where fellow announcers, the singers, and various colleagues made use of the word
Using the word as can not be otherwise, was explicit, flat, confrontational toward policies that are being undertaken by this government, but above all was understandable as it was developed in perfect Castilian.
here we do not review or report on what happened there. Only some images we offer on account of others that we will be coming. We also offer a look, so you can appreciate, which was the icing on the cake
the end of the activity and we could raise in order to show them, and that is contained in the video.
All the leaders and comrades of the Movement March 26: HEALTH fellow travelers.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Samsung Microwave Re 630tc

The Chernobyl spectrum
John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, to Thursday March 24, 2011.

there or technological reason why we can not use nuclear energy safely and effectively ... Japan does, France does and does not emit greenhouse gases, so it would be foolish for us not to do so much more effective. do not know if these words of Barack Obama, October 2009, and were buried by the serious developments in reactors and containers with spent fuel rods from the nuclear power plant Fukushima I, in northeastern Japan: experts say is the greater loss from Chernobyl, and until recently, similar the Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania -1979 - which, as recalled by the New York Times , stopped the nuclear industry.

The nuclear emergency in Japan, a country with a reputation as a model for this technology, confirms, yet again, warnings of physical, medical and ecologists: Barry Commoner, Helen Caldicott and Greenpeace, among others, that nuclear is a expensive and very risky to heat water to generate electricity. It's like using a chainsaw to slice butter, with a high vulnerability for the combination, potentially catastrophic design flaws, human error and natural disasters.

No is only the risk of outbreak of reactors, scientists at Kyoto University require that the publication of information about the intensity of iodine-131 releases, while Robert Alvarez, the Institute for Policy Studies, a former adviser to Bill Clinton, said that a single tank with fuel rods used as the plant in Fukushima, or Diablo Canyon and San Onofre, California, contains more cesium-137 that the total deposited in the northern hemisphere for all atmospheric nuclear tests and that a explosion and could release into the atmosphere, perhaps three to nine times the amount of cesium-137 by the disaster in Chernobyl reactor .

Andy Robinson advised that if any deposits were left without water, could be imminent catastrophic merger of nuclear waste, something more frightening than the meltdown in the process and nuclear power generation which is placed in deposits are highly radioactive materials such as iodine 237 so it was extremely important that the Council for Nuclear Research of the United States warned that debris from the reactor 4 of Fuku-shima were without water ! ( www.lavanguardia.es ).

How to explain that, despite the global risk and that, until now, no solution to the problem stored for centuries as toxic substances, the White House to reiterate that nuclear energy is part of overall energy plan President and promote the installation of these plants in countries of high seismic risk such as Chile or Mexico? Is this the fatal inertia peak oil, the political-electoral nuclear lobby, the corporate co-option of the regulator, the global warming and increased the federal subsidy in the sector, that of 8 billion dollars (billion dollars) in 2009 goes to 18.5 billion dollars and 54.5 billion dollars now? Does this in the midst of a fiscal deficit of 1.5 billions (trillions) of dollars and deep cuts to health services, education and support to the community? or is it because according to Russ Baker, from 2003 senior executives and employees of Exelon, the leading operator of nuclear power plants in the United States, made donations to the campaigns of Obama in the Senate and then to the presidency?

Baker says the executive vice president and director of Exelon raised funds for those campaigns, as the chairman of Exelon, who also runs a school council axis of nuclear power and that David Axelrod, chief political strategist for the White House, were advisory that firm.

any case, the tragedy of Fukushima shows that, as he joked in 2000 Dixie Lee Ray, former head of the Atomic Energy Commission, which brings together the leading companies in the U.S. nuclear energy, "" the issue of waste is no problem largest in history. " (Ibid)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Many Calories In A Bowl Of Oatmeal With Milk


Francesco Jodice: CITYTELLERS
Marta Cervera Gallery: until early April.
(original article in 'arte10.com': http://www.arte10.com/noticias/index.php?id=386 )

If it is somewhere to direct the architectural concerns, is to try to clarify the linkages that operate between subject and environment. In this regard, many current artistic practices emphasize the processes of subjectification in direct relation to the environment-the preeminent city-stop, from there, carrying out a sociological study about the real-if still existing conditions from to think a free and autonomous subject. Francesco Jodice in your project Citytellers, has documented since 2006 a number of places, macrourbes mostly to show us that the exclusion of promoting a socio-political system based on the show - and the separation speed limit operates Inside, "is our most essential destination.

"Today we have implemented the three divine attributes: the ubiquity, immediacy and immediacy, the total vision and total power. This has nothing to do with democracy, but tyranny. " Paul Virilio, architect by training, he who speaks so clear in relation to the apocalypse of a society as ours, which has demolished all legacy illustrated.

In this regard, the catastrophe of the ethical and practical dictates of modernity converted into mere individual survival, the city, once a prominent place in social community, has become the moment for the representation of same contradictions of modernity. And it is in the city where, more urgently than anywhere else, is carrying out the prophetic statement Baudrillard: "One day, society will be perfectly done and there will only be excluded."

Francesco Jodice, also a trained architect, raised in the exhibition can be seen until early April in Marta Cervera Gallery, a privileged tour of three cities to confront the contradictions that are subject the primates of modernity and its full scan every sphere of sociality and community.

In this sense, Jodice appeals to the architecture is not in any way to gloss the concept archimanoseado and non-privileged site-incarnation of the postmodern-apolitical, nor to rely on a diffuse spectacle of megalomania of architecture, but to bind to a sociological reflection on the relationship between humans and the urban environment around him.

is the man, the citizen and his relationship with the social environment that matters, architecture being the perfect representation of that mediation, once buried in the dialectic of the simulation, the maelstrom of hiperaceleración, has become a perfect simulation for a system that takes the show to its particular Weltanschauung. If the show is, as Debord "The main production of current society, to Jodice interested in architecture as hypervisibility element from which to dissect the network of macrourbes ghostly today.

In this regard, the video Citytellers Dubai is only symptomatic. With less oil than their neighbors, the chiefs decided to bring to it the western-disciplinary production system but in its most spectacular. Mass calling the hedge fund, promising what imprometible allowing the macrotransacciones game, taking a simulated democracy, which seemed perfectly reconciled to the secular and the religious Muslim world, Dubai eventually sink into the mud on which it had risen.

In the video Jodice, buildings that are postmodern pastiche of high-tech version, with the coarseness of the Pharaonic hiperespectacular are discovered in the unbearable reality that hides behind: Employees hired en masse by the call petrodollar, are imprisoned and exposed to extremely low survival conditions to collect enough money to go back to their countries.

Confined suburbs not to bother the 5 star luxury experience you are looking for the occasional tourist, workers are brought in and taken by bus to, as soon as it finishes its journey of 15 hours be returned to its place. Slavery and segregation, overcrowding and survival are the realities in which they live-safe even today despite the crash suffered by the city-the worker.

Aral Citytellers focuses on an area which, after a technical error due to the need to provide water to the rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya to irrigate crops, has become a vast desert. What was once the Aral Sea, the fourth largest in the world today is a DRYLAND where people struggle to survive in appalling conditions.

The third video, Sao Paulo Citytellers Shows us the ins and outs of a city, Sao Paulo, with about 18 million people in self-management has a major weapons to fight against despotism and incompetence of politicians. Jodice gives voice to different groups of people - graffiti, helicopter pilots, armored car dealers, collectors cards of the street to conclude that today, if the city is hoarding privileged to instill the value of subjectification processes is due to the fact that trace and mark the most basic strategies for creating identification processes: bunkerization and supervivneica, hypervigilance and crime, exclusion and marginalization.

The three videos as part of the project Citytellers begun in 2006, give a good account of the current situation facing a final reality: that globalization, far from utopian destination Belhumeur of humanity has arrived last foothills clean and healthy progress, the tontuna global village but does not refer to a process-simulation and comprehensive as they should be now all processes, which is in the exclusion aldeanización and its negative pole.

While, on the one hand, globalization falls squarely within the processes that have sought to expand on an notions of universality on which stands the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is nonetheless true that in its implementation in any production demolition of sense-of-identity and sociability brings, have ended up violating all political and social scheme established on the basis of justice and equality, to operate a bloody dialectic speculation-and, not too spectacular, on which to establish the victory of hyper.

architectures shown in the wild by Jodice in the phantasmagoria of Arab grandeur, in the motley claustrophobic space condensation Sao Paulo, in the desert led by technological development of the environment, the only thing clear is that attempts to silence all in the simulation of globalization as the last refuge of progress and overdevelopment, there is only the latest twist to the full establishment of the disciplinary and precise control strategy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Singapore Driving Licence Template


Mankind is aware of what is happening in Japan after the great earthquake of March 11 last.

More precisely, what is happening and will happen as regards the nuclear plants, which are those affected by the earthquake, which are occurring hazards that may impact beyond the boundaries of the nation Japan. We can point to as one of those compromising situations precisely, the release of radiation into the atmosphere with the risks this entails.

And this is happening any more and nothing less than the third world economy and one of the first companies scientifically, technically and economically better equipped.

Japan produces 40 percent of its electricity through nuclear power plants and paradoxically hangs over a hundred million people the threat of a blackout to the extent that they can not reverse critical situation that is going through one of its 54 nuclear power plants.

If anyone still thinks Uruguay installed in a nuclear generating plant, or is perfect is an incorrigible irresponsible or corrupt.

If the situation prevailing in China we add, the crisis we are experiencing global economies, the survey that we live in Arab countries, wars and installed almost a decade and the possibility of expansion in the same area and the orthodox, dogmatic policies, generically called neo-liberal in the Western world, we can easily conclude to be in front, what the prophetic writings of our ancestors we are told, detailing the steps prior to extinction.

In Uruguay's Frente Amplio in government, we have trouble locating our society into what we call above humanity.

Those who do not flee from the information, we live on a daily basis installed violence in this society every day more degraded. Without going into the controversy whether or repression repression if not, whether these are the consequences of implementing economic policies that cater to the majority, or whether these consequences are due to the result of education policies implemented by decades, the fact is that results obtained Front in power worsened in these areas, we affirm without recourse to statistical data, it appears to the naked eye.

Violence in sports, domestic violence and death, violence and death among neighbors, almost on a daily basis somewhere in our country. Youth who have not broken any rules and does not exceed fifteen years of age displayed on faceebook posing with guns in their hands in a sort of pep talk to the offense. More and worse

prostitution, in a corner if and to the other also. Prisoners who kill themselves in prisons with weapons supplied by the rampant police corruption. Inmates burned in the cells die, they tell us of the shortcomings of the reserves moral and ethical authority to others, and together with a blind eye to observe the judicial authorities, especially those events involving some political authority, closed circle where within the drown the cries of those calling plain and simple application of the law.

Our whole society is sick, and every day but we are like our distant cousins, transforming ourselves into bipedal with clothing.

The rationale for a given situation seems to be a behavior Perim.

take the facts as presented to us and to qualify as immovable with the only movement reflective when asked who asked him is, "and I can not doing nothing "is as deadly as a trigger-happy, which exploit those who are responsible for having brought to the citizens of this state of affairs.

One edge more distressing than the front in the government carries out is not questions related deepening-up and collaboration with the U.S. military. What began in this new era of Frente, the government of Vasquez, with the signing of several economic agreements trade.

With the installation of the polyclinic in the Santa Catalina with funds from the U.S. Southern Command, which in the opinion of Victor Licancro general, this is, an embryo of a future U.S. military base.

We must also remember the arrival and stay of J. Bush for the space of 36 hours. Where the country remained occupied by foreign military forces entered the country without the permission parliamentary question.

already in the government of this aspect Mujica not change, however. The Southern Command chief was received by the government of Pepe shortly after assuming his presidency. A few months later the Southern Command donates $ 500,000 to parliament. And these days we're getting to the Undersecretary of Defense for Latin America, Frank Mora, a strategic dialogue between the two countries that seeks to expand cooperation between the two nations.

For us, the Uruguayan not fill us in four lies, the race is to get at creating a political and economic alternative to offset the irrational ravings, productive, consumer, and that marginalizes every day more people, rather than the catastrophic consequences of not prevailing system leave any trace of human existence.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Fernando Pradilla Gallery: 27/01/11- 19/03/1911
(Article published in the magazine 'Art Keys':
http://blogeartemadrid.blogspot.com/2011/03/genealogia-de-la-conciencia-arte-y.html )

If art has firmly grasped the strategies held as "aesthetics of resistance" is because art-itself in its fold, in its dialectic destination, seems to have agreed with the social and economic fabric in charge of investing identity. Cultural industries, which have become huge entertainment industry now and leisure culture have collided with the records of the hyper economy and, far from being ashamed of such a sad fate, seem to enjoy in their new status Great machine production of identity, a great health.

So, what is left to art? Confined to beg his victory in the regimes of hypervisibility confined to the capital, the art seems to have run aground at the hands of the spectacle and marketing. However, the paradigm shift conducted by artistic practices in recent years seems to tell us that art is no longer called upon to deploy a field of representation but, rather, of mediation communications.

To this end, urges while removing all of his artistic practice, for say, apologetic autonomy for greater activation when constituted as the symbolic industry, need to speak with Brea, "found in his room a critical dispute" means a productive network which forms part of packed in a production of identities can emerge with true spirit of the overwhelming critical figure in the show everyday surroundings.
The changing role for art that Benjamin could see following the entry into action of the technology has now become, in the age of cybernetics, the reason for a art called to share, face to face with the disciplinary regimes of subjectivity production, projects of agency identity.

Grouped in the titles of " The Genealogy of consciousness I, II and III " works Mira Bernabeu (Valencia, 1969) that you can see up close on 19 March in Galería Fernando Pradilla undoubtedly point to this new aesthetic regime of cultural practices in this case the-art call to deal critically with the agreed production devices by the capital. Even the title, the word genealogy reminds us, not with construction of identity and aesthetics, but to a more rhizomatic, in constant evolution, where is the flow of communication that would give a particular shape subiectum.

For the first part Bernabéu has chosen to portray collective simply attest to the pressing need in society to create opportunities for sociability and communication. In this sense, if, as Habermas and many others, the construction of a true public space is a work in progress, the art should refer to the authentic possibilities of building such a space.
The second part of image and text to live together, simulating a political and controversial conversation between three people ", stressing the theatricality of the look and image to denounce the alleged deception in mediation between the two, between image and text. Targeted only a few speeches, whose mission is not in any way establish itself as omnipotent theory, go hand in hand with images where the strangeness and helplessness that seem to point to distill the failure of political discourse privileged yet to fill the ideological ideals of a deny community and a social and political fabric where some hear and others, always the same-talk.

Finally, the third series, Bernabéu himself staged in public space in the bed of the Turia in Valencia, a central area of \u200b\u200bthe city. The characters, many of them masked, were arranged in groups to dramatize the tensions that transit performative construction of space itself. The claim in this case seems to be Bernabéu teaching: "It takes a theater without spectators, in which attendees learn instead of being seduced by the images, which become active participants rather than passive voyeurs "says Rancière , thinker certainly very close in this about the artist.

audiences from the global brutalization of the show, invite you to tune the look, to find meaning in what has surprised him, to be foreign even to himself, the patterns here also seem Bernabéu Please follow the Bertolt Brecht .

Ultimately, if, as Debord says -more fashionable today than ever, "the separation is the alpha and omega of the spectacle", which aims to see work Bernabeu is not to allow ourselves to expropriate "alienate" the hands of the show, but to fill through performative process of communication understood as a public space in constant construction. That is, to break apart and throw all on our own shoulders the task of constructing.

Finally, the very Bernabéu has commissioned a sign that lowers the title of "Migrants . That word does not exist "can be seen in the second gallery space. Away from the topics sad and decadent life of immigrant women in this case, Barnabas or puts the accent on the other side of the coin to reflect on the experiences, desires and dreams immigrant. The purpose, here as in his own work, is the same: change the look, perception, to discover potential under the regime of hypervisuality and, of course, because as valid.

Jumana Emil Abboud
, Monika Anselment, Pilar Beltrán, Pep Dardanyà, Paloma G. Doctor, Miguel Orts, Anna Marta Simone Soul and Welling are the artists selected for this purpose.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Futanari Metro Station

Mexico: Theatre of War
John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, March 10 2011.

sa subordination irrefutable testimony called Porfirio Munoz Ledo (PML), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, visiting Calderon to the White House, noting that only February 23 EU imposed an arms embargo on Libya because of the risk of violation of human rights . already proved that he can do, but does not require anything to Obama . Why this laxity of Los Pinos and the reticent and sly rejection of the U.S. government to stop the huge flow of ammunition to armed bodies, under various labels, operating in Mexico? Is not the United States, the originator, manager and alleged partner in the anti-crime through the Merida Initiative?

Why Colombia adopted the model of the Pentagon (DoD), making the country el teatro de una guerra no-convencional , que para el Comando Norte incluya el uso aquí de la contrainsurgencia y anti-terrorismo como en Afganistán e Irak, masacrando nuestra población y abriendo frentes y distracciones a las Fuerzas Armadas Mexicanas (FAM), socavando la función de defensa nacional , con gran desgaste en el combate al narcotráfico, que en rigor, corresponde, como en todo el mundo, a fuerzas de investigación/acción policial, financiera e inteligencia y de salud pública?

¿Por qué en cuatro años de “guerra al narco ” Estados Unidos no ha interrumpido el enorme flujo de armamento y munición?

John Dodson, of the Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff and Firearms, and reported along with other officials opposed the transaction fast and furious turned them from above instruction to pass to Mexico, thousands of AK-47 type weapons. Before the Senate Judiciary Committee said his objections were systematically neutralized by their supervisors , frustrated in their attempts to convince the White House to implement controls that mortal racking. What is it?, Does induce internal collapse and armed intervention? Wikileaks cables show that suffer an anti-national, proconsul, with officials and U.S. agencies operating as an authority on security.

Given the Calderon said Washington Post (WP ) for critical reviews of newly released Carlos Pascual, the State Department replied that no one is talking about change because ambassador is doing a tremendous job U.S. name ... Pascual is a diplomatic and national security official , whose advice about Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia called it years later to head the Office of Reconstruction and Stabilization, equivalent, according to the WP , a Colonial Office: Great design is a cross-departmental and inter-agency comparable only with the Manhattan Project , according to the DoD Defense Science Board, with two consequences described in Terror and Empire (Arena, 2006): a) an unprecedented expansion of functions and military operations throughout the United States government, and b) the establishment of a nation building function to capture within the structure of the U.S. government the functions of a sovereign state, ie defense, foreign external economy: an empire-building in countries like Colombia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, etc., rich in strategic resources by way of inducing failed states. Hence the relevance of PML signal that Calderón took the U.S. interventionist project, which includes Pascual, for its expertise in failed states : and Calderon agreed that there was a dual authority in the country .

Worse, while the FAM attaches to the burden of anti-narco war with anti-constitutional reform energy and incentive contracts, Los Pinos opened dozens of oil and Halliburton type signatures, valuable oil fields. At the time of peak oil irresponsibility that is high: the story shows that security and defense of such deposits is essential to sovereignty, as documented by Friedrich Katz in Secret War in Mexico . Reading it is de rigueur.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Old School Bmx Craigslist

"distract the armed forces in combating anti-narco , for Washington to take over oil"

The aim of the current U.S. ambassador, gestate failed states: Saxe Fernández

officials in this country act as if they were members of the cabinet Mexico's security, says

Mexico City La Jornada, March 8, 2011.

Israel Rodríguez J.
newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday March 8, 2011, p. 12

The war on drugs launched by Felipe Calderón's government is only coverage to distract and wear down the armed forces of their main job: to safeguard national sovereignty, and thereby ensure that the U.S. government seizes oil, warned John Saxe Fernández, coordinator of the twenty-first century world, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research Sciences and Humanities, National Autonomous University of Mexico.

In an interview with La Jornada said that the current U.S. ambassador in Mexico, Carlos Pascual, is not a more diplomatic, but an aide to National Security Council of the United States, which aims to gestate failed states said.

Saxe Fernandez said that Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) enough resources, but is subjected to a ferocious bloodletting via taxes to induce the process of privatization through internal accomplices, who has been in bulk, secretariats State and Los Pinos, to achieve the systematic dismantling.

Doctor in Latin American Studies Faculty of Arts of the UNAM said: 're seeing just the beginning of the phenomenon and will become more acute as more conventional oil begins to drain into the future .

Pemex Last Tuesday started the process for the allocation of incentive contracts, through which opens to the private sector exploration and exploitation of mature fields in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Fragility


regard, John Saxe considered in this context, that is being opened to domestic private companies and foreign, is also undertaking a process of weakening of national security. This is worrisome, because from the Carranza government fought hard to get the private military corps of the U.S. and British foreign companies.

Part of the historical heritage of the country, added the researcher, is the defense and security of oil fields by the army, the Mexican Air Force and the Navy Department, but they are distracting to other functions.

talking about something very sensitive, there is a transformation that undermines the security and defense of the oilfields, and that has historically been the excuse used by the U.S. intervention to invade our territory.

Around the strategy to combat drug trafficking, which killed 35 000 people, was highlighted by the U.S. Northern Command since mid last year, while celebrating Mexico already has adopted a scheme irregular warfare where the enemy was not outside but inside, among civilians.

"Then he said it fits with several studies we have done and are described in the book: Terror and Empire (Arena, Mexico, 2006), which I refer to race Carlos Pascual, who is not a diplomat more: it is an adviser to the National Security Council of the United States in very important, as is the case of Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia in general. "

Rewarding work

In recognition of the work of Carlos Pascual, is selected at the time of George W. Bush to head the Office of Reconstruction and Stabilization at the State Department, an agency created by former Defense Secretary Donald Henry Rumsfeld.

This office, he explained, is rated by analysts in the Washington Post as a colony office because it is a project of great scope, According to the Department of Defense, is an interdepartmental and interagency effort that covers virtually all branches of the U.S. government, compared to their relevance to the Manhattan Project (which created the atomic bomb at the time of Roosevelt), is "a huge priority from the strategic standpoint.

The man who heads this is Carlos Pascual, and one of the main objectives of this office is to capture within the structure of the U.S. government functions of national defense, foreign policy and economic interests of nations, countries with strategic resources like Ukraine (where he was ambassador), because there goes the flow Caspian oil, Iraq, Venezuela, Afghanistan and Mexico.

The office, he added, has the function of "empire building by means of gestating failed states, ie they are weak and do not make foreign policy, national defense have not actually make their own economic strategy because it is heavily influenced by neo-liberals, greatly influenced the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank, in crucial areas.

"In this context, which to me seems important to place, is the very risky and poorly thought out and stupid energy reform, 2008 coverage is to make this opening to enter private foreign Mexico fields. As revealed by Wikileaks (cables published by La Jornada ), U.S. officials somo act if they were security officials, internally, of Mexico, said.


on Mexico cables WikiLeaks site

special on WikiLeaks La Jornada

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Funny Wedding Fortunes

fumbled along URUGUAY.

According to CNN leads the list of countries worldwide where the fuel is more expensive. What is Germany and eastern Spain.

political class represented in parliament, using the mass media, is exposing his concern about the decay of society in the absence of progress and setback to education is suffering.
This happens to be learned from the last report on the dismal Pisa educational levels shows our country, ranked among the worst in the world. And there

walk, blindly, blaming parents, teachers, trade unionists etc etc the civil service.
not want to put him where the tooth is really the problem. Opponents of today do not charge account to the government. Opponents of yesterday, more committed to them, returned the courtesy and do not return the recent past in the past 40 years there, is where a break in terms of quality of education is concerned. All for what?. I want to continue it in the most peacefully as possible.

The price of meat is becoming unreachable sections of population that until a few days did not have this issue as a problem. What adds to those who no longer have access to this vital element-for-Uruguayan long.

If this is not good news, even worse is knowing that the meat, as experience shows, is the machine forward locomotive pulling the rest of the prices of those products that can substitute.

The meat industry workers, pushed to unemployment insurance, dismissal and many other
converting labor, are a clear example of the doctrine of "grow the pie" to better distribute unrealistic. On the contrary, grew cake crumbs shattered and disappeared.

While this is happening with the workers, their union leaders are no exception in this case to what happens to politicians. There you go playing blind man's buff, not knowing where to hit.

sits down to talk on equal terms with entrepreneurs, government representatives, proposing a pesito down here, another one there, in front cuts, which maybe in the roast, limited, trapped by the logic woven by corporations meat with the approval of the government.

Uruguay president without any kind of political initiative follows the course of events back. And decided, in the absence of a clear vision and no strategy and no direction, of telling us what is happening as if it were a kind of sports commentator or reporter, and even incorporated into his radio that basically some critics are directed to the rostrum to leave happy.

education, wages, food, are not subjects to be so frivolous. . Our, and no future. Our present, our family, our society, I need concrete answers, that it is doing its quality of life, safety, employment, therefore it is life. Six years

Frente government many are realizing that the price we are paying all, to gamble to get the government first and then see what we do, is a very expensive and as in times of white and Colorado these are borne by workers.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Is It Hard To Swallow With Big Tonsils


MAX STAR GALLERY: 02/03/1911 to 03/26/1911

to heed Gonzalo Suárez and his brilliant film "Rowing in the wind", a favorite subject by that gang of poets who gathered at the summer of 1816 in Villa Diodati was about the possibility of giving life to matter with the simple gesture of ideas, of thought. Sublime act of creation, the artist as high maker of new forms, made it impossible to romanticize radicalism of the world: the subject becomes eminent genius and scope fills all the cracks of the art-world. Romantic irrationalism is nothing but that carnage of the very reason he sees ghosts everywhere: pantheism hipersubjetivista soon be discovered as the hidden side of badness and Satanism.

And in some ways, the circle is closed. The world-nature-hipertecnologizada has risen to a preeminent ontological in the form of telematic simulation. The world turned and image of the world as prophesied Heidegger, takes own life and work toward the time-zero, accident, degree-xerox (Baudrillard ) experience.

And, after the collapse romanticote, after learning that all the power emancipated comes on top always on the side of our condemnation, the technique has learned well how to do the dirty work. Raising the 'lifeworld' above-or below, depending how you look "of their potential through a coagulation of all structures in a given image as a perfect match for the forces of production under which the power relates to the world, the world has become and accurate picture: nature has been transformed into medial or, which is the same, matter-nature-has taken a life (eerie) itself.

Thus, art triumph ends antithetical inherently denied their promises autonomy, the art does not perform the transfiguration of matter in life, but, given that the medial devices work as filling and collapse hyperconnector-constructed "the world, art stands as a critical process, as an instance from that constantly redefining the trade regime that produces the image-world.

Thus, as Benjamin would say , artistic practices would be guided, and indeed they do-to an appropriation of the means of production, appropriation art in its highest sense. If the world rather than romanticized, it has been modernized, the artist must be framed within the social imaginary producers to establish the visual critical devices.

And in a way, can we not say that the idea to romanticize the world that does not come to also emphasize a new way to understand the subject within the production system reality-all?, is not the postmodern artist-the artist as a media analyst, the precise mirror image of that melancholic poet who appealed to the powers of the night and the ghost? Only, if before it was the word which built the world if the world was transformed by dint of the sonnet, the world today image and is made-within the iconic turn postulated by Nicholas Mirzoeff - to critical construction processes of social imagination to where you need to eye the post-media artist.

In this sense it may have more reason Brea arguing that "the aesthetic regime that made our time deferred makes the project more critical of the Enlightenment: the birth of a form of mind-the formation of a formation of autonomous subjectivity and radically secularized unthinkable from the viewpoint of absolute materialism. "

And is that Is not giving life to matter demiurgic gesture can dream materialism? And, therefore, is not now, with the medial construction of reality, when, at last has been carried out?

Thus, says Juan Martín Prada , "artistic research in the media is an analysis and dramatization of emergency moments of the image, the process of staged, or, to put it on stage, produce. " And in this work, of course, the technique has to stop and be seen as the bad guy. The world we have said over and over again-has turned into an image or what is, As Heidegger argued , the technique is and what we essentially.

is to this work, thinking about our relationship with technology and the emergence to the surface of the visual, pointing to where the artistic production of Daniel Canogar and, in particular, facilities that can be seen today in the Star Max Gallery.

Gathered under the generic title of Spin , Canogar presents a series of installations where hundreds of DVDs - found in dumps or landfills, are recycled back to show what they contained. His images -Movies-are usually projected onto its surface, emphasizing the front wall thus creating a dual system of the visual: images that impinge on the DVD itself and others that bounced against the wall jump.

This bend in the projection allows Canogar much more lucid reflection of what in principle, simple installation, could be achieved. In principle, and upon entering the gallery, a slight whiff of Plato's cave to confront us, presumably, already seen: images in his capacity as medial devices remind us the phantasmagoria of the simulation, the implosion of images where, Baudrillard , nothing to watch.

But that is not: because, at our core tech, there are no longer any original or ideal worlds. Now, finally, the timing is instant and everything is in one hinc et nunc subject to the dictates of the past already, and ever-present.

What we believe-how Canogar is conducting a final difference, minimal resistance to the regime of hiperpresencia: If the media refer to as the immediacy of re-production and a match coming the actual production medium, Canogar us back to a previous moment, a generation ago, if you will-to make us think about the criticality of the device itself (re) production. In other words, reviving to the inanimate-romantic inheritance here before wearing them on the table, giving life and outdated materials and media, Canogar tell us about the world-come and pressing of the failures with which charged .

Because if it is true that, says Susan Buck-Morss , "this image-world is all our shared experience, all utopian potentials (e-utopian holding Brea ) seem to come up with a nothing more ominous than it seems will continue cloistered our "shared experience" within the regimes of the acclaimed hypervisuality the ideals of capitalism.

But if Canogar work can not be understood, at least hold it at first, with an outdated and refer to the forms of simulation and the overabundance of images-some of all the breaking point after martial ardor with which the political / police of the visual rages to settle what should / can be seen, if not be trivialized as to understand his work as a get on track cyclotomic speed of technological and process all the DVDs, once a leading technology and today almost absurdity of the past, may have to point to a paradox inherent within the very core of the work.

And, despite all this, Canogar deceives us to get the lure still-film images. Since this type of images that is contained in the DVD's, normal then you can operate a final difference, normal then you can bring up some of his memory and lost in the immediacy of time. Normal time, in short, that can 'map' and 'bend'; normal that emphasizes the processes of destruction of referring to the cycle technologies 'vital'.

For, in regard to-film images, there is still a difference between its production and re-production, a difference between this and the potential it brings from his past. That is, in them, in pictures, film, yet time is not wholly owned by the image. In the 'between' still worth something: some history, some memory, some time, etc.

This being so, the most plausible is that we exercise Canogar in production and groped, redundant in their ways and means of (re) produced, for only then show the need to refuse to encrypt all the more or less Panfila acquiescence with which seems to be now the ultimate visual system: the hiperespectáclo of almost unlimited profusion of images. The appearance, made the show, no longer be our cave.

In short, we let time still escapes from die-film images on the banks of his complicity with the sham hyper, and get down to work to treat heart to heart with a world and become time-image: out of memory, without history, without a fixed identity, no time at all.

Nothing, therefore, remains to bring to mind because nothing is as it brought to life. The utopian potential of a past that becomes overloaded always have vanished with the construction of a world not only as an image but an image as a world. Middle and support shall be canceled and the timing of a zero-e-images occur at speed limits.

Ya, finally, no difference, but differences intensive fields that never return, and, finally, no suspicion as that held by Boris Groys . Could it be, ultimately, these facilities Canogar a fantastic clear that never reach the degree-zero, something always need support to be played, always mediate a time difference? Thought and practice have never gone hand in hand but, in any case, we should always be as advanced as we dare in our thinking. Only then, once and for all, stop being romantic.

Or do not we?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Buying Partial Braces


UNTITLED, 2011. Mixed Media, variable dimensions

Being as we are always, for one thing or another, in a decisive time in the radical of a change or hinge at a time of supreme importance, a time that can tip the balance aside (saving and saving) or other (always depressing and phagocytosed by the structures of domination) - the art, of course, going as outposts, have much to say on this which is our case.

It is to propose an exhibition in a space-here-abandoned office is not something that is new, but that is always changing historical context of art itself, to the best of arms the radical nature of each proposal can sweep more than one, to the naked eye can foresee.

Turning now to matter, above that which we coded as 'which is our case' is very easy to describe: our art relies on outmoded and institutionalized display structures which are proposed as exercises broadcast onanísticos trite . Entrenched forms of culture with a strong musty odor, which stand as Sunday rides, and implosion of the coagulated capital marketing of image and representation, art display systems are postulated as perfect devices that offer leisure and ( sic ) Entertainment as a surplus on trade in the libidinal current regime.

This being so, it is not you show how are you come to be proposed as alternatives to the prevailing cultural capitalism, but to postulate a different way to be the artistic event completely alienated societies and the persistence of a displaced subjectivity to limit the effect to be produced and decanting the prevailing hyper.

If the show is our weltanschauung epochal, it must be borne in mind that, as predicted Debord ago a whopping forty years, the show is its own product, and it is he who sets his rules: it is something pseudosagrado. Exhibits what he is. " Ie, art, falling in internal dynamics of standardization, undermined its essence from the first dialogue of subversion / subsidy, sleeping in the fields of entertainment, has no choice but to follow the scroll to the current disciplinary system to let him go and take a bite of reality-that is, and thanks to the equation debordiana Hegel that "the reality arises in the show, and the show is real," a piece of cake the show.

The problem is, we think, that that shy 'let go and borrow' has passed, and it became clear Adorno, the most dismal of betrayal. The entrance of the Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Benjamin if for involved a certain amount of optimism, for Adorno meant nothing against the clock radicalization of the effects of desartización that for art to be empty content, unless more than a gesture to bear all the tragedy and silenced in the incipient disneylanización this post-Auschwitz world.

While this exhibition is to be understood within the parameters of the aesthetics of resistance, not a whisper in the mute that Adorno saw only out against the slaughter of art at the hands of the mega-industry of entertainment, it does is true that a little detox, just open the windows and let it all air out, not bad.

From then needs to propose new forms of exhibition and display, and with financial assistance from a collector in Seville ", Jaime de la Jara , Jacobo Castellanos and Miki Leal have contacted different artists to propose a different project and differentiation of the strategies already discussed at length above. Those were the Popular Party offices at number 67 of Madrid's Gran Vía have served as a container almost unbeatable to show that, of course, other shapes are also possible.

Better, we think that the gloss acquiescent with each of the twenty artists present, two notes on which to draw attention to the relevance of this exhibition. The first, dates coinciding with ARCO fair mega-sung and celebrated year in and year out if only to, Then, put a bear- S / T gets to draw attention to the relevance to propose new ways that emphasize the artistic flow over others could be as massive as certain events, fairs and biennials and as undeniable symptoms of cancer pathology of contemporary art.

At the same time and second, carrying out exposure in offices which had to be evicted by the current crisis, we put on the track of that art, even when cornered in a dispersed successful worldwide, is able to do a twist last and always great to unwind, albeit only in the few days of the sample, the machinic lattices on which stands the territorial structures that shape the political and other agencies that work all areas of visibility in public space.

Finally, and perhaps summarizing the above, the exposure must be understood within a present that perfectly dissects the vulgar everyday aesthetic experiences as healthy prefixed by the current exhibition and display strategies, and settle - for himself absorbing all industries of subjectivity at the intersection average trasbase bidirectional mediates between culture and capitalism

José Luis Brea predicted in one of his last texts the two strategies that were to follow cultural practices to establish itself as truly independent and criticality: first, "the filing of devices' reflexive "that reveal the conditions under which the processes of representation are verified within the industry of the imaginary and the show", and second, "by generating autonomous alternative models (...) providing new narratives and new devices Intensive experience and identification. "

If we do not want our time is that of the hiperestetización and transbanalidad, start by asking what each exercise maximum aesthetic. Hence, this wonderful exhibition has just begun to understand it not as a rare bird that distracts us from the slumber and almost spring, but as a real subversion of the dominant status quo. Take seriously, and taking seriously these two strategies as envisaged Brea only exits are to be the ultimate destiny of an exhibition for which we expect to happen many more.