Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Weapons, drugs and intervention
John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, Thursday February 24, 2011
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huge C17 (Boeing Globmaster III) of the U.S. Air Force, with equipment for training police, tried to introduce a charge Buenos Aires undeclared powerful rifles, encrypted communication equipment, software secrets, narcotic drugs and narcotics, on which employment is not provided satisfactory explanations ( Page 12 , 13-II-2011). Operational before the regime change against Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Honduras putsch, surprised the resumption of these programs with staff United States, punctuated by Nestor Kirschner: secret cargo C-17 shows the serious risk of these schemes to a force that diplomacy intensifies: went for a course or planning a coup?

Argentina, consistent, suspended those police-military links and demanded an apology, the United States refuses to give. La Casa Rosada proceeded with energy and prudence, given the political-electoral panorama, affected by the death of Kirchner and the arrival of Mauricio Macri as head of government of Buenos Aires, who came with that bundle right-wing than in the past prohijó the coup and now, with it, encourages repression and persistent socio-economic regression. Moreover, addition of Obama's notorious special forces and covert deployment in the world and in 19 countries in the region , implementation and replication of Fernandez is of major importance for Latin America and the world.

Here, in contrast, under the drug war and the Merida Initiative, this increases the involvement and police presence, the U.S. military and the violence escalates, block attributed to organized crime, but nobody knows who killed and why. Thousands die in unexplained killings, young students gunned down in a football field or in a youth party, families wiped out in a retainer, etc., ad nauseam . Is the message of failed state a few meters from the U.S.!: kill them, the Mexican government can not protect and we unpunished.

The historical-geographical limbo, Calderón endorsed the petition of U.S. security, opening us to the intervention of the colossus, who refuses to stop the flow of weapons to cartels and firms whose banks and reap greater profit from drug trafficking. With amnesia of 1848 and what followed, PAN acts as if the U.S. ambition of the rich northern states, oil and other resources of the country, had vanished from the historical record and a present in which his dependence on them is even greater. The Mullen said, Clinton et. al. around narcoinsurgencia or narco here, indicate that, as in Afghanistan, Colombia and Central America, this is the language of intervention and occupation.

Friedrich Katz in The Secret War in Mexico (Era, 1981) offers a master frame of the complex of forces around the relationship between Mexico and the United States and the world, in order to calibrate the current constellation documenting the continuing ambition by northern Mexico. In times of W. Wilson, for example, General Pershing, looking for Villa, proposed Chihuahua invade and occupy all of Mexico, then asked, a desire shared by George S. Patton when he wrote: we take across the country and stay with him (p. 353). Now The Economist, commenting on the start of a vast corridor road from Monterrey to the United States and support the proposed park to the immigration authorities and U.S. aduanuales right there on the outskirts of the city, it regrets the nationalist resistance a force that d e facto , lower border. Latin America

U.S. borders in the Bravo and not in Panama: what is at stake , foresaw a diplomat British in 1914, ... is not only Mexico but throughout the continent. The United States may have said they want to stop at the Panama Canal will never do such a thing. Once ... there ... Colombia will ... Then comes the Brazil ... and then continue to Cape Horn (220).

load of C-17 is no small matter.


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