What is what is happening in Egi pt?.
take weeks The Egyptian people on the streets of Cairo Mubarak calling for the resignation of its president for 30 years.
But how do you get to it? There are those who say that everything was created through a web portal. (I had the opportunity to hear leading politicians underestimating the militants on the internet, so I do not think that is the cause, other than a link in the long chain generated crisis in capitalism and the problems occurring in Spain, Greece etc .... and the people unhappy with the lack of work went into the streets.
Other calls him outright revolution. - not I believe at least in the concept of revolution that drove Latin America.
Now, if we see the region, the riots are not only in Egypt. Various countries have mobilized their people.
What is happening then? Just one day these people got up and decided to change their regimes? so simple, so simple?.
Mubarak the dictator who ruled this country for over 30 years with the support of the empire, and it is now, even the same EE. UU. pressures you to make changes in policy and resign.
is rare. You'll have to agree with me that is rare.
Or is there a change in strategy. That the policy will be carried out by the Americans in the 80 in our Latin America, which basically was to replace dictatorships with democratic systems, have been successful and excited by them start to apply it in Africa?.
suffice to study the Uruguay governed by T. Vasquez, by Mujica, Uruguay's Frente Amplio. Continued appropriateness of government policies and red white and these criminal and fascist regime that ruled us part of two decades.
Strange what happens in Egypt. We, of course, we will always side with the underdog, that is where this side of town. So we regret the over 300 deaths occurred in the streets of that distant country demanding the resignation of the dictator.
The Egyptian people progress in their fight, but those advances are not free. The life of his best men and women are mostly young people on the road turned into cannon fodder. Something that soil does not know these, because despite having spent over 25 years of democracy we are still looking for our missing and his murderers.
Perhaps you imagined after so much blood in our country, having to listen to the political power now in power and in which we place so much hope as our dead and missing, say for example: "business on the one hand, ideology on the other "or support for a President of the Republic by the FA give back to the countries of the region and backstage at the firm midst of a presidential summit an investment protection treaty with the U.S. while he beat in our country who are protesting against?.
Perhaps you imagined at the forefront in government payments to the IMF ahead of the external debt?. And yet the country in debt by thousands and billions of dollars? Or you imagined
Mujica, as minister of agriculture and fisheries allowing the sale of land for more than three million acres passed into foreign hands in his ministry, and when asked about the former guerrilla replied "that both As the land racket if it can not go. "
And to close this chapter and not for lack of mentions precisely, did you ever imagine the front celebrating its 40 anniversary and the main speaker was an aide to F. MI?
why we say that it seems strange we should be attentive to what happens in that area of \u200b\u200bthe planet. Do not forget that we live in a globalized system and on the other hand nothing is static everything is malleable, transforming and moving.
For now we have the citizens of a town in the streets demanding a democratic opening. A people that is putting the best of the best of his men and the best of their wives, demanding what appears to modern man considered the lesser evil to organize as a society, and that is democracy.
Without doubt, the triumph, reached down the walls that support the dictator, is the Egyptian people, that will be in the immediate, but medium and long term I still have my serious doubts.
applaud the popular movements, we study and go on with it. No fanaticism, not religious, not recipes. Beautiful yes. But our reasoning. Promoted by the experience produced by the beating of our successes and our mistakes. Do not forget that we are witnessing a revolution within a revolution ¿¿¿... Use
democracy seems to be the path chosen by the people, and followed by other much less thought. The
power of persuasion, the power of persuasion, have a positive effect if we take into account the characteristics of our society, and interpret it and integrate it without equivocation in political project that has really taken into account. By giving a speech readable, understandable, consistent with our principles not to mention the huge changes, some surprising we are witnessing.
Undoubtedly, the above will, for the infantry of the People's Assembly, as heavy artillery to stop the holes necessary to enter the discussion with some extra edge. pasado12
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