World Bank: The market for carbon credits and the program
reducing emissions from deforestationembiental and degradation, with which masks the exploitation and plundering of native forests and indigenous farmers across the globe and the commercialization of air and rain forests, concluded the COP-16. It was a business as usual ominous for humanity and the global biota during times of peak oil , when intensifying the momentum of the councils by the expansion of the frontier hydrocarbons from pole to pole, Africa and Alaska, the Amazon and Patagonia.
Obama Greeting Early Calderon was quite an opportunity for damage control
by Wikileaks cables and have decreed, weeks before the end of the moratorium on oil drilling in deep water in the middle of mega "ecological disaster of the Gulf of Mexico and to the delight of the gas industry and oil.
Now the oil companies operating in the Gulf, South America, Argentina (in Entre Ríos and Chaco) and dedicated to the extraction of oil from tar sands Alberta, Canada, can come quiet: in Cancun was delayed while limiting greenhouse gases was maintained
visible hand of monopolies, speculators and financiers to do his thing with the thermostat that regulates the Earth's temperature.
Bad news for climate, good for the military-industrial apparatus: COP-16 did not affect normal operations
in sea, land and air, or the atrocious-and environmentally devastating wars-
and harassment prevention, around the super-giant fields of oil remaining in the cortex (Iraq, Iran, Russia, Venezuela etc.). The Pentagon uses enough energy for 12 months maintain the entire urban mass transit system of EU as a whole, for 14 years!, according to estimates by Michael Renner on the State of the World Watch Report. For reasons of military security, EU values \u200b\u200bthe oil, coal, metals and minerals in nearby areas
safe, so no wonder his speech / occupation of Canada, Mexico and Central America, its aggression against the countries of Alba and appetites for natural resources in South America.
Leave everything on the air to taste and customer will also be a relief for Shell Oil and the White House now, as The New York Times ,
negotiate the opening up to oil drilling in the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea, Arctic Alaska: business is achievable in 20 years, nearly 30 billion barrels of oil . Similarly, the powerful coal lobby, toxic fossil fuel (as it is clean
is fairy tale) is eyeing the roughly 3.5 billion (trillions) tons of bituminous coal, located on the banks of Utukok River in Northwest Arctic Alaska. Calculations of Subhankar Banerjee ( ) indicate that as the U.S. consumes a billion tons annually, would 3 000 coal for 500 years. Moreover, according to Keith Schneider, with 175 billion barrels of extractable oil sands of Alberta, Canada, oil and gas would be enough to keep running to the U.S. at least another century
. As with coal, oil shale is most harmful to the environment, the devastation it brings the extension of the border in pursuit of unconventional fossil fuels would be unimaginable. It is an unsustainable path to global / local atmospheric, as reflected in the rigorous study of Tony Clarke (Tar Sands Showdown 2008).
insist: we face a catastrophe only comparable to what happened 65 million years ago, and warned Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin The Sixth Extinction (Tusquets, 1998). After the COP-16, the extinction continues, unabated.
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