Thursday, December 2, 2010

Singapore Protein Store

COP 16: collapse guaranteed (II)
John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, to Thursday, December 2, 2010.
The intention to stay in the Cancun meeting of the Copenhagen agreement (CA), aims to satisfy not the human agenda in the face of imminent risks facing the global biota by global warming, but of the great economic interests / financial deregulation which is the basis of the great crisis that erupted on Wall Street in 2007 and widespread disaster in the Gulf of Mexico by the explosion, in April, the site of the British Macondo Petroleum (BP): the first global environmental disaster at the time of peak oil.

The agenda of COP-16 is the banks, such firms Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and the mega-gas companies, oil and coal. The design is underpinned with Calderón government loans by the World Bank (WB) and IDB surrogate bodies to the Treasury and the White House to enforce innovative operational financial instruments established in Kyoto and made in the AC: the bond market carbon (MBC) and the program of reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD). Both acts under the assumption, shattered by those on Wall Street collapse and the Gulf, that the markets (read enterprise class) under the invisible hand, are those that allocate resources efficiently.

are guidelines that favor the notion that the operations of speculators and mega-companies linked to the current energy pattern, focusing on fossil fuels and internal combustion engines, each operating under guidance increasingly deregulated the state: the activation unconstitutional Calderón of incentive contracts in Pemex speaks for itself. It is the humanity in the abstract, but the metropolitan states and their oligopoly of oil, gas, coal, electricity and automobiles, along with financial authorities, forestry companies, agribusiness and puppet governments in the periphery, organized under the principle of privatize profits and socialize costs, releasing into the atmosphere billions of tons of greenhouse gases (GHGs), among which highlights the critical carbon dioxide (CO2). Already

Larry Lohman Mark Schapiro and from these pages, Alejandro Nadal, have shown that MBC impedes efforts to reduce GHG emissions ( La Jornada, 9/11/2009, 18/11/2010). With the formal incorporation of EU at the same opportunities to accrue, as shown Schapiro (Harper's Feb/2010) speculate climate, from the 300 mmdd at 3 billion dollars.

As deregulated markets in the hunt for profits invariably collapse, are heightened speculation and recklessness: next to MBC promotes REDD under which, says Ana de Ita in a study of its impacts on farmers and indigenous territories in Mexico and the world, rich countries pay to maintain rainforests, exploding to 90 percent of the area negotiated ! and continue polluting at home: for more science fiction that looks, from buying and selling contracts rich countries are buying in the South the ability of forests to sequester carbon . REDD

allows polluters, those that lead to mega-disasters such as BP, Chevron-Texaco, Shell and automotive buy carbon credits from forest conservation alleged, establishing a new modus operandi for grabbing land in protected areas and individual property rights or community, with intent to plunder hundreds of millions of peasants and indigenous people.

COP 16 is guaranteed to collapse, as suggested by the term in Richard Leakey The Sixth Extinction (Tusquets, 1998), by promoting schemes that, in the midst of worsening climate-privatization induce the commodification of the world, the atmosphere and the tropical jungle, the main source of biodiversity and crucial in the capture of greenhouse gases: the MBC and placed REDD management thermostat controls the temperature of the Earth (CO2) in the hands of speculators and hucksters First World Third World.


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