Friday, December 31, 2010

White Dots On Baby's Liver

Second Decade: The Agenda
John Saxe-Fernández, hours, Thursday 30 December 2010.

Within hours begins the second decade of the century, when basic profiles will be settled if possible a transition nonterminal of a civilization dependent on fossil fuels to one focused on renewable energy in the economy, efficiency and global access and fair use.

Although in this era of intercontinental ballistic rocket thermonuclear weapons and the challenge is to achieve this transformation without a third world war (TGM) and without causing a devastating deterioration irreversible climate-biological, historical experience suggests that rationality required for this has been influenced by what C. Wright Mills called organized irresponsibility in pursuit of profits by way of financial speculation, expeditious solutions of interventionism, wars and diplomacy of force.

Recall that the leadership of industry electric, gas, oil, coal, automotive and banking / finance have great weight in the domestic and external management of the industrialized nations, led by the United States dependence, consumption and energy waste.

hegemony over the instruments of state by such consortia, although not fully or permanently, impedes the flow to take effective action against environmental degradation accelerated by the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), while sponsored military means for control of dwindling conventional oil giant fields, sparking a humanitarian disaster in Iraq and Afghanistan, increasing tension and conflict in the world and the Middle East, home of the world's largest oil reserves and, as illustrated Wikileaks documents, chaos brewing right and left to militarize, mercenaries and break international law and relations.

and is conducive to the links between the wars of conquest, action / military occupation and the precipitating of a TGM: oil men do not want war , said accurate C. Wright Mills in Causes of World War III (Ballantine, 1963), "... but their interests are such that they will play it more than any other industry. There are 'merchants death ', are merchants of oil. But plain and simple 'oil': they are politicians. They are part of the hard-line capitalist risk taking. "

Thus, while welcoming any nuclear arms limitation, continued with Obama wars and occupations of the Bush-Cheney in Iraq and Afghanistan and other nations and regions, including the siege and greed for Iraqi oil, Venezuelan African persists and increases the risk of TGM, even with a new START. This - inter alia - by harassment from U.S. to Russia and Iran with ballistic deployments in the face of the Kremlin that weaken the deterrence and strategic equation: an TGM breaks out the planet will be uninhabitable.

In regard to the irreversibility of climate deterioration and extinction of species underway, the challenges and obstacles are high. Those who emit more GHG chop postpone effective measures for speculative designs weather stripping and business / military of native forests (REDD). Thus, when the threat of global warming irreversible the imminent disintegration of the ice in Antarctica and Greenland, as noted in the NASA Goddard Institute ( Monthly Review, December 2010).

also detected a sudden acceleration in the extinction of species because the climate change movement is more than offset that species can be made in response . According to the director of Goddard, the planet's future will be determined in many ways we can do in the years to come. Not a matter for the next generation: by the time young people reach adulthood, the situation may be beyond the control .

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 10 Salycilic Acid


What then can access our blog support, speaks for itself of what many do not even want to think, especially those of us fill your head with its macroeconomic figures - which are certainly true-and colleagues showed the indifference of these individuals perched on the power and that parts of their lives, we sold the obelisk - and we buy, showing as defenders of the most humble of the most deprived. Today we call these types of turnips and you know what? until they are right.

As no reason is if we have to remain silent before such injustice. There are wrong. Turnips being inherently brings not be making pragmatic calculations into a system that feeds on those who make them. On the contrary be turnips involves risk-taking by confronting them with the pragmatism of pro-imperialist right and leads inevitably to help make this type of denuncias.También be left at risk of developing the disqualification, in a climate of opinion where not a few are expected to give the mass and only say Amen. Http://

Monday, December 20, 2010

Urethral Masdurbation


The evening was very pleasant from the standpoint of climate. It was cold and the clouds product of the last storm that hit the country showed signs that the climate gradually improve.
promoted activity in the bus station in Gate Shopping for that day started around 19 pm, led by those who were responsible for organizing the event. The role went to Comrade S. Sabaté on behalf of the group Rufus AP Malvin Norte and surrounding areas.
The opening of the list of speakers was provided by P. Antoria it did in representation of novel environmental commission. What followed in the representative of MO.DE.JU Antonio Ferron and so were making use of the word university representatives of the youth of the People's Assembly, trade union leaders in the chemical industry, as well as highlight the involvement of a neighbor where account their experience of retired along with the bad luck of having to live in a home for the 3rd age and moved all of us who were there, blaming the president's figure Mujica inaction or rather indifferent to the actions this government retirees who applied. Hector Vicente
gave us halfway through the ceremony of his repertoire of songs and poetry readings.
coordinator on behalf of the PA activity accounted for close to a historian Gonzalo Abella on, as we are used to speaking. In this context I call on the militants of the Popular Assembly of the whole country to get mobilized for next May 18 which is to officially by government, swipe the story, trying to make believe the people of Uruguay, in his hallucination pretentious to clean the image of the Armed Forces, that they were born under a government in 1811 Artigas.
Gonzalo Abella harangued on behalf of the coordinator for the next May 18 with 100 fires Artigas come along and breadth of the country. We have to carry out tasks in the first months of 2011.
Fellow of the AP Hill who participated in this activity we want to highlight and salute: courage, courage, personal and collective commitment of the partners of the group Rufus, who in the middle of December are encouraged to organize and carry forward a political act. We
this is the best pin to close the year as it refers to the mobilization of the People's Assembly in Montevideo.

CONGRATULATIONS to the 2011 and

Friday, December 17, 2010

Waterproof Spray Basement

COP-16: business as usual (III)
John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, Thursday December 17, 2010.
Without brake emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and with the endorsement of the innovative financial World Bank: The market for carbon credits and the program reducing emissions from deforestation embiental and degradation, with which masks the exploitation and plundering of native forests and indigenous farmers across the globe and the commercialization of air and rain forests, concluded the COP-16. It was a business as usual ominous for humanity and the global biota during times of peak oil , when intensifying the momentum of the councils by the expansion of the frontier hydrocarbons from pole to pole, Africa and Alaska, the Amazon and Patagonia.

Obama Greeting Early Calderon was quite an opportunity for damage control by Wikileaks cables and have decreed, weeks before the end of the moratorium on oil drilling in deep water in the middle of mega "ecological disaster of the Gulf of Mexico and to the delight of the gas industry and oil.

Now the oil companies operating in the Gulf, South America, Argentina (in Entre Ríos and Chaco) and dedicated to the extraction of oil from tar sands Alberta, Canada, can come quiet: in Cancun was delayed while limiting greenhouse gases was maintained visible hand of monopolies, speculators and financiers to do his thing with the thermostat that regulates the Earth's temperature.

Bad news for climate, good for the military-industrial apparatus: COP-16 did not affect normal operations in sea, land and air, or the atrocious-and environmentally devastating wars- and harassment prevention, around the super-giant fields of oil remaining in the cortex (Iraq, Iran, Russia, Venezuela etc.). The Pentagon uses enough energy for 12 months maintain the entire urban mass transit system of EU as a whole, for 14 years!, according to estimates by Michael Renner on the State of the World Watch Report. For reasons of military security, EU values \u200b\u200bthe oil, coal, metals and minerals in nearby areas safe, so no wonder his speech / occupation of Canada, Mexico and Central America, its aggression against the countries of Alba and appetites for natural resources in South America.

Leave everything on the air to taste and customer will also be a relief for Shell Oil and the White House now, as The New York Times , negotiate the opening up to oil drilling in the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea, Arctic Alaska: business is achievable in 20 years, nearly 30 billion barrels of oil . Similarly, the powerful coal lobby, toxic fossil fuel (as it is clean is fairy tale) is eyeing the roughly 3.5 billion (trillions) tons of bituminous coal, located on the banks of Utukok River in Northwest Arctic Alaska. Calculations of Subhankar Banerjee ( ) indicate that as the U.S. consumes a billion tons annually, would 3 000 coal for 500 years. Moreover, according to Keith Schneider, with 175 billion barrels of extractable oil sands of Alberta, Canada, oil and gas would be enough to keep running to the U.S. at least another century . As with coal, oil shale is most harmful to the environment, the devastation it brings the extension of the border in pursuit of unconventional fossil fuels would be unimaginable. It is an unsustainable path to global / local atmospheric, as reflected in the rigorous study of Tony Clarke (Tar Sands Showdown 2008).

insist: we face a catastrophe only comparable to what happened 65 million years ago, and warned Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin The Sixth Extinction (Tusquets, 1998). After the COP-16, the extinction continues, unabated.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Watch Hot Wife Breastfeeding A Husband


apparently secret Among the revelations that have been fanning across the internet portal, wiquiLeaks; the spread of cholera in Haiti, following importation of disease Nepalese military elements, the continuity and expansion of the war in the Middle East and the order placed by U.S. hawks on Iran, the movements are carried out in Cuba with a view to reforms, especially economic, for next year, the month of December goes with laziness of one who does not want to go.

in the local environment, moving between December decrees banning Pepe Mujica occupations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe state, along with the statement of essential services against the city and for the curtailment of union rights.
also added the official confirmation of release of mercury and other pollutants into the waters of the River Uruguay on behalf of UPM-Botnia, but pollution is not enough to declare a health emergency, according to the governmental logic.

The commitment-in circumstances unfathomable now clean up the image of Armed Forces before the public, has a new chapter this month. Building worker conflict and municipal workers for fear of contamination Pepe the sack the army into the streets to clean up the garbage.
And there's still people who still believe that these detainees were thirteen years in a cistern.

The request for impeachment by the Criminal Justice Rodolfo Nin Novoa - Tabare Vasquez-vice and cling to the privileges of Parliament by this as a castaway on a lifeline, as chirimbolo also adorn the Christmas tree this past month year. Accompanying this issue in these last days of the resignation of Gonzalo Fernandez to the Frente Amplio, annoying, that the background on their performance - in the mentioned case of the repeal of Article 76 of Law 2230 - were lifted by the FA board's policy committee to conduct coalition, triggering a procession of leaders who try to get this guy review its decision. Quite a spectacle.

In this small and rough count of the most salient events that take place in the month of December, we added the conference being conducted by the PCU and that its resolutions are critical to the government's economic policy. Government, the PCU, which is part of it therefore is also art. Not to be

A few days after the Congress, its more than likely re-elected general secretary Eduardo Lorier went to the press justifying and supporting the statement of essential services workers ADEOM requested by the mayor of Montevideo Ana Olivera also belonging to the same club Lorier. All
a contradiction when compared with the criticisms of economic policy.

By not opposing the Communist Party of the FA only force able to do so by their ideology, the political weight that is in the unions, but mostly for its history, is more tell than other sectors of the front in set did not oppose the cuts in trade union rights.

We have reached the last month of the year. December, which comes with all its features. Early summer, licenses, holidays, the arrival of relatives who come to visit. Meetings with friends, coworkers and militancy.
is also a month where we skate and do a count - the oldest-traveled than all this last time, just as we remember those who are no longer with us and even for some little time ago they were.

is a month where we change our routine, redirected considering the summer season, and that exposes us to another reason to be the target of propaganda in this case given the favorable tourist of the time. Capitalism does not miss a chance.

December also marks the arrival of the last plenary to be held in the year 2010 by opening a gap of several months between this and the next. The last painted walls, the last stickers. Everything begins to have a different pace, tiring, and the pace does not want to go with the mixture of not want to go.

In this blog we want to salute the entire society. In particular sectors of the People's Assembly members, fellow activists of the same, their leaders. Wishing you all without exception and without slogans fasilongas a Happy New Year 2011. Happy knowing we are together on the path of building a new society, happy for the joy it gives us hope to know that as we move forward, the closer we a society with values \u200b\u200bof justice, solidarity, equality, and above all honesty , increasingly less value put forward and defended from the fields of power.



forgot: do not ask to Pepe concepts of happiness because you develop a Sanatan to give way to advocacy of poverty.
Perhaps as a method of justification to the disregard of his government to the needy.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Singapore Protein Store

COP 16: collapse guaranteed (II)
John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, to Thursday, December 2, 2010.
The intention to stay in the Cancun meeting of the Copenhagen agreement (CA), aims to satisfy not the human agenda in the face of imminent risks facing the global biota by global warming, but of the great economic interests / financial deregulation which is the basis of the great crisis that erupted on Wall Street in 2007 and widespread disaster in the Gulf of Mexico by the explosion, in April, the site of the British Macondo Petroleum (BP): the first global environmental disaster at the time of peak oil.

The agenda of COP-16 is the banks, such firms Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and the mega-gas companies, oil and coal. The design is underpinned with Calderón government loans by the World Bank (WB) and IDB surrogate bodies to the Treasury and the White House to enforce innovative operational financial instruments established in Kyoto and made in the AC: the bond market carbon (MBC) and the program of reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD). Both acts under the assumption, shattered by those on Wall Street collapse and the Gulf, that the markets (read enterprise class) under the invisible hand, are those that allocate resources efficiently.

are guidelines that favor the notion that the operations of speculators and mega-companies linked to the current energy pattern, focusing on fossil fuels and internal combustion engines, each operating under guidance increasingly deregulated the state: the activation unconstitutional Calderón of incentive contracts in Pemex speaks for itself. It is the humanity in the abstract, but the metropolitan states and their oligopoly of oil, gas, coal, electricity and automobiles, along with financial authorities, forestry companies, agribusiness and puppet governments in the periphery, organized under the principle of privatize profits and socialize costs, releasing into the atmosphere billions of tons of greenhouse gases (GHGs), among which highlights the critical carbon dioxide (CO2). Already

Larry Lohman Mark Schapiro and from these pages, Alejandro Nadal, have shown that MBC impedes efforts to reduce GHG emissions ( La Jornada, 9/11/2009, 18/11/2010). With the formal incorporation of EU at the same opportunities to accrue, as shown Schapiro (Harper's Feb/2010) speculate climate, from the 300 mmdd at 3 billion dollars.

As deregulated markets in the hunt for profits invariably collapse, are heightened speculation and recklessness: next to MBC promotes REDD under which, says Ana de Ita in a study of its impacts on farmers and indigenous territories in Mexico and the world, rich countries pay to maintain rainforests, exploding to 90 percent of the area negotiated ! and continue polluting at home: for more science fiction that looks, from buying and selling contracts rich countries are buying in the South the ability of forests to sequester carbon . REDD

allows polluters, those that lead to mega-disasters such as BP, Chevron-Texaco, Shell and automotive buy carbon credits from forest conservation alleged, establishing a new modus operandi for grabbing land in protected areas and individual property rights or community, with intent to plunder hundreds of millions of peasants and indigenous people.

COP 16 is guaranteed to collapse, as suggested by the term in Richard Leakey The Sixth Extinction (Tusquets, 1998), by promoting schemes that, in the midst of worsening climate-privatization induce the commodification of the world, the atmosphere and the tropical jungle, the main source of biodiversity and crucial in the capture of greenhouse gases: the MBC and placed REDD management thermostat controls the temperature of the Earth (CO2) in the hands of speculators and hucksters First World Third World.