The fighting world imperialism
Che, as one of the main leaders of the Cuban Revolution, accounted represent different events international, in reflecting the country's foreign policy, particularly in the economic sphere. Join the Seminar on Planning in Algeria (07/13/1963) the UN Conference on Trade and Development (March 1964) XXI session of the UN General Assembly (11/12/1964) and the Second Economic Seminar of Afro-Asian Solidarity (24/02/1965 .)
The problems addressed by the CHE on the confrontation with imperialism have full force and have acquired a greater aggravation. Still highlight the contradictions he considered:
"Ultimately, we must bear in mind that imperialism is a world system, the last stage of capitalism and you have to beat a major confrontation in the world. The strategic aim of this struggle must be the destruction of imperialism. The participation that we have to we, the exploited and underdeveloped of the world, is to eliminate the bases of support of imperialism: our oppressed nations, from which they extract capital, raw materials, technical and export cheap labor and where new capital - instruments of domination - arms and all kinds articles, placing us in absolute dependence. The core of this strategic goal, then, is real liberation of peoples; release will occur through armed struggle in most cases, and that will, in America, almost inevitably, become the property of in a socialist revolution "
" In this world of contradictions, the key is expressed between the countries building socialism and capitalist countries. "
" Being that the most important contradiction is however not unique. There is also the developed capitalist countries and the underdeveloped ... and for us has a fundamental importance "
" ... the only correct solution to the problem of humanity at the present time is the absolute abolition of the exploitation of dependent countries by developed capitalist countries, with all the implied consequences of this fact "
" is the penetration of capital from developed countries, the essential condition for establishing economic dependence. This penetration takes diverse forms. It comes as loans on expensive investments that a country subjected to investors, technological dependence of the country almost completely dependent, control of foreign trade by the big international monopolies and, ultimately, use of force as an economic power strengthen other forms of exploitation "
" Sometimes, this penetration takes more subtle forms, such as the use of international financial institutions, financial, credit, etc-(IMF; IBRD, IDB, GATT). The IMF is the keeper of the dollar in the capitalist camp, with IBRD (now World Bank) and the Bank are governed by rules and principles that are intended to present as the safeguards of fairness and reciprocity in international economic relations when in reality, are nothing but fetish, behind which is concealed the more subtle instruments of the perpetuation of backwardness and exploitation. The IMF is supposed to ensure the stability of exchange rates and liberalization of international payments, but does not prevent the bare minimum of protection of developing countries from competition and the penetration of foreign monopolies "
" This Conference should establish clear, the danger for trade and world peace, foreign capital investments that dominate the economy of a country ... "is necessary to establish the full exercise of the principle of self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations "... condemns the existence of foreign bases, the temporary stay of foreign troops or not a given country (without consent) and the maintenance of colonial rule by some developed capitalist powers. "
any similarity with our reality it is no coincidence IS THE PROGRESSIVE POLICY AND THE GREAT NATIONAL UNITY MARIO ROSSI
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