Sunday, November 21, 2010

No$gba Emulator Cheats Pokemon Leaf Green

A loss is always a defeat.

's account at the foot of note you can access brings to us on 25 October 2009 date on which presidential elections take place. But more important was the fact that, in conjunction with the elections became a plebiscite for the annulment of the law of impunity in our country. Plebiscite
as we all know did not reach the 50 percent plus one of the will necessary to achieve its repeal.
By saying the president-elect at the time, and carrying at the time of this writing, the referendum was marred as a logical consequence of the electoral struggle.
But the fact is that citizens do not hear a single sentence from the FA candidate throughout the election campaign by calling a vote for the repeal of the law with impunity.
Worse yet, important sectors of the broad front, including the sectors that make up the current president of the republic, not with their lists enveloping the IS PINK for the cancellation.

Why put this issue on the table?.

First: Impunity will survive until it is resolved this issue from the standpoint of doing justice to all that this implica.Mucho less from conception to design a fencing company, promote and advance with minimum values \u200b\u200bof fairness, honesty, conscience, etc. .. etc.

Second: that the government daubs F. Extensive testing to get rid of such a monstrosity entrenched in the legal framework imposes a new impetus to the issue.

Third: We have no doubt that these movements to the parliamentary level and bench are being made to give an interpretative law with impunity, is a product of the pressure exerted by international organizations and have led our country - shamefully- to court actions international offering these Covenanters the view that the time for impunity is coming to an end and that at least at the international level can not continue putting into practice their deception.

Fourth: If it is true that some years ago abandoned the front flags, history, narrative or story that we believe you can access is real. We also know that many compatriots continue to look for eggs in the cave of the fox, but as we encourage you to build future and this is only possible in building alliances with colleagues I call it misguided, is that we present the following story, apparently lived two Frente. Http://

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Bread Factory Sanyo Recipes

COP-16: colapso garantizado
John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, Jueves 18 de Noviembre de 2010.

Paul Sweezy observó hace dos décadas que la incorporación de la financialización en la acumulación capitalista es factor inequívoco (con la desre-gulación y especulación que le acompañan), que impulsa un riesgoso desorden global signado por interrupciones en el proceso de producción y de la acumulación de capital, quiebras, desplomes bancarios y pánicos financieros semanales, aumento desmesurado unemployment and underemployment, greater polarization of income, class war, strikes, labor strikes, lockouts : which erupted in 2007 is a great depression rate dynamics in the past led to disasters mi-militaries, although today orders of magnitude, complexity and violence are ma-OLDER, economic, military and environmental.

The bottom line, present in the aetiology of war, focuses on geopolitización of international economic relations (finance, trade, currency) by an aggressive hegemon in crisis and military-industrial mobilization. It is known that the more volatile elements are economic, political and social mi-militaries within the general climate that affects the accumulation, the less likely it is that capitalists accumulate through the production: in the midst of a growing depletion of conventional natural resources (fossil fuels, minerals, metals, Cheap, high quality and easily accessible, including water, biodiversity and atmospheric accelerated deterioration Rado) the potential for environmental destruction and intensifying war intensifies and extends to levels of irreversibility terminal.

high net responses in the ecological-economic guarantee of disaster. In the G-20, submitted by States Attached to the joint short-term goals to suit the financial and business unit, which governs the recovery and the free flow of capital, emphasis is partial exits, unable to respond to systemic and comprehensive nature of the crisis. Its summit the end of 2010, incapable of offering real alternative to the collapse we face, prepared the agenda for business and especulacilón with nature.

The threat that the fiasco of the Copenhagen Agreement (AC) extends to the Cancun Summit (COP-16) is real. There is, as noted by Jayati Ghosh (March 2010 Report), which hailed the long run-up to AC, "... organizers have the ambition to really change course and stop or reverse a clearly unsustainable growth process ¨.

high resistance was felt capital: profit, private use and enjoyment of natural resources and accountability to investors is a priority.

Looking to COP-16 (Nov29-Dic10) the picture is bleak: as with the G-20, the goal is to ensure the needs and interests of the big monopolies against which, rather than a crisis like 1929 was shaping up as an abysmal economic collapse, ecological and military stakes in the biochemical framework that allows human existence on cortex. But in capitalism prevails, in essence, the expansion of profit, even lead to self-destruction, genocide and ecocide: according to official documents unveiled by John Vidal (The Guardian 12-IV-10), the strategy United States for the COP-16 is privileged, "reinforce the perception (sic ) of the United States is committed to negotiations ... to bring forward a comprehensive regime to combat climate change."

The idea is to manage expectations (verbatim): with a clear message on the status of AC and the importance of implementing all (their) elements . Ie U.S. will not negotiate items not included in the AC and try to Cancun package offered by the AC as binding under take it or leave. AC has been associated 110 countries, but has not been adopted by the 192 nations of the UN Convention as the United States blackmails countries that do not match the AC, denying help.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Burns From Hydroquinone

John Saxe-Fernández Cuba-Debate (Against Media Terrorism)

a doctorate in Latin American Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, National Autonomous University Mexico (UNAM). Author of several books and articles published in Latin America, Canada, USA and Europe. His most recent book "Terror and Empire" (Arena, Mexico, 2006).

November 17, 2010.

Special , Review, John Saxe-Fernández "

November 17, 2010 between generations of current and future no longer makes sense, and yet we talk of a league of generations to which our grandchildren belong ourselves as automatically as they are our neighbors in time. " "Not only our horizon space must be expanded, but also temporary." Fidel Castro marks key guides, leaves many clues to the great human journey to the future
Fidel Castro: The great human journey to the future
Fidel Castro: la gran travesía humana al futuro 17 NOVEMBER 2010


Fidel Castro at the ceremony for the 50th anniversary of the CDR. Photo: Roberto Chile
Ambassador of Cuba, Manuel Aguilera, ladies and gentlemen:
fidel-en-acto-cdr-foto-roberto-chile-16 thank you from the depths is inviting me Jornada and Casa Lamm. I say it felt, because when I reflect on Fidel Castro before us, those who were teenagers when the Cuban Revolution Latin America victorious march through Santiago and Havana, a "person" in continuing dialogue with us ever since and So, with that kind of intimacy in the genesis of the character is assigned only to "significant others", which are part of the shaft dynamics Freud identified as "I" constantly "management and mediation" between the "id" and "superego", ie someone walking along the Cuban people and also with us, in the privacy subjective, and at the same time-and this is transcendental, asimilábamos the other dimension of that person, the historical and ancestral Juan Bosch, who taught us to understand the "imperialism" - with a keen perception-and middle-calibrated, from several decades as a historical immensity Cuban, Caribbean, Latin, world, for me essentially human, in a profound sense, anthropological: that is embedded with a link our ancestors, the hominids, the way the Leaky family and in particular, later, Richard Leaky, 1 taught us to think about the human journey, measured in millions of years of evolution.

In my experience was crossing between Darwin and Castro biography because the news of what happened in Cuba, opening the way to the future in 1959 and showing the barely out of high school, the oligarchic-imperialist butchers like Batista could be overcome, with the conclusion reached that year, the central centenary of the publication of the Origin of Species, about which, at age 19, wrote and published my first article in the Journal of Philosophy, University of Costa Rica.
Véasele from the perspective of physical anthropology, world history of what we call "modernity" of the great battle for the claims of sovereignty and socio-political, and on a peak in the great dilemmas and dangers we face as a species, not only about climate predicament of civilization, but in the grand scale of war and peace, there's Fidel in the battle for awareness, especially that of the urgency of the future social construction of alternative poles of power. The order of magnitude of the danger of extinction, not a given population of a nation, but of "biochemical framework" that allows the exercise of the history of our species, was present in only 3 years into the Cuban Revolution, in the missile crisis, to which I refer later. What I now advance is that Fidel was there, in the midst of this whirlwind, showing that everything that has to do with the war is in close connection with "the human condition" in the sense that, as she said Erich Fromm "the real crisis of today is unique in human history is the crisis of life itself ... we face the probability that in a period of fifty years (and perhaps much less) of life on this planet has ceased to exist "2. Now we know that the missile crisis of 1962 was closer to the abyss of annihilation, of what we imagine then, terrified by the news radio and television, following, second by second what happened at the military level in the water Caribbean, while officials at Brandeis University in Massachusetts, one where a student, - announced the areas of buildings to "protect us from nuclear attack." Observed in its concrete expression of the revolutionary exploits of Castro over the decades has been, and is, a practice that sends the message that demolition of life is not inevitable, but since late 1979, it became clear that the military-technological complex in the U.S. and the USSR, which was then replicated in other nations had produced levels of destruction, with effect devastating, irreversible, in the biochemical system of the planet 3. Given the reality of "mutual annihilation" in the strategic confrontation between the U.S. and the USSR, Castro was showing (and showing himself) that the process of "gatillage" a general thermonuclear war was, so to speak, unleashed in the dynamics of social system that exploitation, looting and wars of extermination territories and natural resources, trends regressive redistribution of global wealth, expressed in the systematic reluctance of the core capitalist countries to establish a new international economic order to replace the Bretton Woods arrangement leonine give impetus to what Paul Sweezy then called "new global disorder" 4, which increases the likelihood orders to trigger a conflagration. Hence, as we set it for thirty years (one billionth of a second to the biosphere), "in the historical clock of our time, the nature of analysis and reflection on War (Acquire) "theoretical range only if it can be expressed specifically at the level of social action. In the thermonuclear age, the nature of war demands a kind of politics that succeeds in transforming into a social action aimed at achieving institutional mechanisms to prevent and mitigate the risks of war in our time is possible as a science policy, but only if she opens the door to history '.5 And who review the specific actions of Fidel, as president of Cuba on the national stage, regional and global, has done more than just leaving vital clues in the historical route: a systematic manner Castro opposes and resists the defeatist visions of the future of human society particular doctrines and weapons systems that drive nations to trust and favor of military methods, to accept the risks of war, or abandon the historical development of the species. For hours and hours, 20:00 to 5:00 or six o'clock I heard him lecture on the unacceptability abandon in place systems of international economic and political relationships in which creative and constructive force to occupy the place until now reserved for the military. 6 The core message was and still is the successful outcome of the multiple crises that has been intensifying since the 70's of last century can only be achieved from economic instruments and political. Since then, the precarious and unstable strategic balance is threatened by the dynamics of monopoly capitalism that functionally related trends of profit maximization and maximization of cost, with the lucrative preparations for World War III: Under this economic dynamics orders continue to increase probability of conflagration. "The preparations for this war," noted C. Wright Mills in his remarkable analysis of the Third World War (the first great U.S. sociologist who thought their fellow citizens about the Cuban Revolution in Listen, Yankee.)

"... are central features of the major contemporary societies. The expectation that war is the result of official definitions of world reality ... The impetus and strength to the third world war is now part of contemporary sensibility and a defining characteristic of our era ".7

I have a vivid memory , for their impact on the equation in which human mortality plays in the era deployments persist intercontinental ballistic rocket launch terrestrial, oceanic, air, space, at the time of explosions that are measured in kilotons and megatons of the dialogue between Fidel and discharges pose in the press by Colonel General Leonid Ivashov, then Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems in Russia, former Head of Military Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: "The American empire," said Ivashov from the Russian news agency Ria Novosti in July 2007,

"could only oppose an alliance of civilizations: the Russian, whose orbit includes the Community of Independent States, the Chinese, Hindu, Islamic and Latin American. It is an immense space where we could create more equitable markets, our own stable financial system, our collective security mechanisms and our philosophy, based on the priority of intellectual development of man toward modern Western civilization, which emphasizes material goods, and measures success with mansions, yachts and restaurants. Our mission is to reorient the world towards justice and intellectual and spiritual development "8.

construction alternatives is becoming increasingly urgent in view of a humanity that Castro, for decades seen as a species endangered by the destruction of natural conditions. " And certainly in the midst of a persistent deterioration in environmental court, a planetary biosphere increasingly precarious conditions on the "normal" capitalism and its current pattern of energy and technology and also by the serious human and environmental impacts of the many wars and atrocities unleashed by the global dominance since the end of World War II, as you can appreciate those who take the data on daily consumption million gallons of motor oil from the vast apparatus of the Pentagon, on land, sea and air 9. What we need to add that it is a period following the end of that world war deeply affected by the reign of terror inaugurated by Truman State in the genocide of the Japanese people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. The danger of extinction, says Castro "is closer: New and unanticipated problems created by science, technology and the birth of neoliberalism waste, multiply the political risks, economic and military "

10 June 1992 in Fidel made it clear something of urgent importance," that companies are responsible consumption fundamental for the brutal destruction of the environment. They were born in the former colonial and imperial policies, which in turn engendered the backwardness and poverty that today afflict the vast majority of humanity. With only 20% of world population, consume two-thirds of the metals and three-quarters of the energy produced in the world. They have poisoned the seas and rivers, polluted the air, weakened and punctured the ozone layer, have saturated the atmosphere with gases which are changing weather conditions with catastrophic effects are already beginning to suffer ".11 In no time the" immensity of consciousness "that I spoke to put aside the dynamic "framework" of the farm, big asimestrías power and great responsibility before the human future. On that occasion, Brazil, the country that contains the vast Amazon, (and emphasize it is worth remembering now, as Washington makes military deployments aimed at moving the border of the Amazon Bravo) Fidel warned that "the Forests are disappearing, deserts spreading, billions of tons of fertile soil each year end up in the sea. Many species become extinct. Population pressure and poverty lead to desperate efforts to survive, even at the expense of nature. "Touch to the most significant:" You can not blame this on Third World countries, colonies yesterday, nations exploited and pillaged today, unjust world economic order ".12

The ratio of the magnitude of what we face around an area as vital as energy supplies (not to mention the increasingly vital access to minerals and metals) for operation economies, not to forget, the U.S. and others, permanent military-industrial-mobilization, with the hot wars and current military political harassment, some nations where they are located super-giant fields of oil that are left on planetary surface for example, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Russia, - can not escape your attention: in 2005 and well expressed this issue, vital to a society built on the burning of finite fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal):

"I wonder how much oil is left in the world within 91 years because in 1896 the world consumed 6 million tons of oil a year and now consumes 82 million barrels, or nearly 12 million tons of oil daily. 109 years ago, I repeat, this homo sapiens, whose wisdom dear friends and dear friends, is yet to be demonstrated, 109 years ago consumed 6 million tons per year and now consumes 12 million every day, and consumption growing at the rate of 2 million barrels a day each year, and not enough, and is increasingly expensive ".13

Then, oil, forests, water, biodiversity, minerals, metals, all part of what has become known today as "resource wars", as suggested by Richard Barnet in his book The Lean Years14, published in 1980, English version titled Years of Hardship, whose manuscript I reviewed at the request of the author. It is an exposition on a theme related to the etiology of a catastrophic third world war, an issue that, as I indicated, Fidel Castro faced in the flesh in those crucial moments of 1962, and we might speculate, it is clear that only he can fully express, confront him, much as we do, a new conception of death: I do not mean the individual or collective death that occurs in traumatic incidents or in wars of the sort that humanity lived until beginning of the nuclear and ballistic (ie, in all wars prior to a general conflagration "terminal") occur tens, thousands, millions, tens of millions of casualties in a context, the biosphere, it's there, not disintegrates as a result of war. " But with nuclear weapons or nuclear-faced Fidel and "understood" as few people on the planet's surface, which had-and has before it: the death of biochemical framework that allows the exercise of human history on the corteza.15 Hence his effort to avoid war and environmental damage. In both cases the result is the destruction of life is to perceive the danger of a kind of death, as perceived by Günther Anders, launch links between generations, because after this type of destruction, already dead, killed a second time, because no one will remember them, and those yet unborn will also die, because they will not be born, and have no voice in decisions made now, burning your planet before they are born: the past, present and future change as interconnection and the past is in the present, as well as the future is, but in a way that had never existed before in human history, derived from the ability to self-destruction and destruction: the is the specifica diferentia AD Anders perceived as distinct, and firsthand Castro lives since the outbreak of the strategic crisis of 1962.

That's where I see the depth of thought and action of Castro in peace and war and its relationship with the aforementioned warning Richard Barnet:

"already begun a global struggle for the distribution of resources . A key policy issue is whether those who have power over the present system (which handles) resources will control the next stage. The war hasido the favorite form used by the major powers to meet their needs for these resources. If you blow another world war, chances is that the conflict will emerge on what the industrial powers considered as elements of survival: oil, of course, but also iron, copper, uranium, cobalt, wheat and water ".16

control energy sources by way of giving effect to the temptation to resort to the old notions geoopolíticas "large areas", American and Nazi Germany to embark on the supergiant oil fields is apparent from the 1980 "North America "and in the unleashing of wars of aggression in the Middle East, home to just over 60% of conventional oil reserves on the planet. Since the attacks of 11/09 and the adoption of "preventive war" as the foundation of U.S. security doctrine, as expressed in the brutal war of conquest against Iraq and the nation as a strategic point of view of access natural resources, such as Afghanistan, Washington has exacerbated what was already in itself an explosive situation in the Middle East, now of grave because the "war on terror" (the favorite cover story that, along with the war replaced the anti-drug "anti-communism of the Cold War, and is used for aggression, invasion and occupation of areas where are located the main deposits of non-renewable natural resources), and also expands its operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and other countries unilaterally, without any formal state of war. I am referring to unmanned aerial attacks for a vast program of extra-judicial executions with tens and hundreds of civilian casualties a week. A program initiated by the Republican Bush II and the continuing and intensified with the White House under the chairmanship of Democrat Obama.

As I heal it in another oportunidad17, several approaches are as Marshal Sokolovskii strategists, war and especially nuclear war there is a group of independent factors, but a component of a complex system in which economic, political, diplomatic, ideological, cultural, institutional and social variables, among others, appear to be interdependent, reciprocal relationship in the causal and noncausal.

The collapse of the USSR showed the fallacy that it is assumed that the strain means a substantial change in the locus of the war, from West-East confrontation to confrontation (the domain of non-renewable natural resources) between industrialized capitalist nations and the Third World. And propose that it would be difficult to argue that the cupbearer dimension necessary non-zero situation sum involve any reduction in the risk of general thermonuclear war, since, as shown by Castro, the dynamics of this type of conflict arises from the structural violence inherent in this system of exploitation and imperialism. But Castro does not conclude that it is unnecessary to pay attention to the American doctrine, since the nature of conflict is affected by the manner in which human beings, organized bureaucracies, conceive. A clear example is the effort of Fidel and practical training, giving our public summary of the chapters of the book Obama


to: today shows hints of Woodward, but poachers, the linguistic framework, emotional, Theoretical, and Sociology and power group, present in the process of decision making in the Oval Office, and its tensions and compulsions with the Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and leads, again, in dozens and hundreds of deaths, injuries, families daily tragedies in the Middle East: the brutal occupation of Iraq, attacks and murders with firing squads in rural and urban Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen. The "Preventive War", in an area as volatile as the Middle East, now characterized by a persistent campaign of political and ideological aggression, economic sabotage and destabilize Iran, a aggression under international law occurs in the middle of a crime against humanity which is the war of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan is a "military background" high volatility and susceptibility to chaos and increased war without temporal or spatial control. On this Castro insists emphatically aware that it is irresponsible to assume that these conflicts "limited" can be kept under control. Worse still if they decide to think it is "feasible" to keep under the limits of nuclear war "limited" against Iran. And Castro and with growing cluster of people, analysts and strategists from all continents, consistent that is a big risk, take the opportunity of a limited nuclear war in the Middle East, not to be affected directly by the people and infrastructure of the nation or nations agresoras18. Worse still if the decision whether or not a "limited nuclear war" is left to military officials in the field. "... The difficulty with limited war," said an analyst of the phenomenon "... is that there are institutions that limit, limited only by an implied contract between the parties. In addition to this objection, there is the fact that in practice a limited war serves to condition the public into the war as normal the state of affairs. Moreover, always sitting in front of the problem of escalation (climbing) in the event that one side (or third or even fourth force) decide not to play the game and behave irrationally ".19

Are these concerns, shared by Sokolovsky, they gain more weight with the accentuation of the general commotion and multidimensional crisis we face from the detected accumulation and widening from the 60-70 years of last century. It is difficult for any confrontation today, say like that could unleash on Iran and we have had serious warnings, strong, Fidel Castro and others, may be confined to a conventional conflict. In particular there in Iran, Russia's very nose, where there is a major oil reserves, and there, in the immediate vicinity of the Strait of Hormuz, through which passes 40% of the world's oil, it, as has been insisting since 1980, "The overall economic benefits that would have any prolonged disruption of oil supplies, a fact that will happen in any circumstance in which the militarization of the conflict and assaults potróleo any producing nation. U.S. military analysts cautious then, warned that "... there is no assurance that the limits and restrictions a theater of military operations involving nuclear weapons, to keep to in effect ".20 According to the data used by Collins and Mark, a simplified version of the intensification of war in the Middle East, would cover the following steps (not meaning the sequence is unchanged. We could go from one step to another or temporarily modified and compressed several, depending on the intensity of the crisis, the great uncertainty and multiplicity of variables and unexpected events):

1. Regional confrontation. 1.1 support independent military participants, 1.2 military support to local partners, 1.3 demonstrations of force, 1.4 harassment; 1.5 blocks, 1.6 air strikes against oil facilities, 1.7 naval air attacks against forces of another power, 1.8 conventional ground combat, 1.9 tactical nuclear attack.

2. Operations of fun (in a military sense to divert attention) 2.1 in Europe, 2.2 elsewhere.

3. Maritime interdiction.

4. Ban on oil terminals distant

5. global conventional war

6. strategic nuclear war "limited"

7. general thermonuclear war.

I close this brief reflection, that covers only some dimensions of what is a historic contribution of vast size and quality, noting the relationship of the brotherhood of the "person" living beings, not just with humanity. Is a link to the "context" with the biosphere. That also highlights its relationship to our ancestors whose fossils already detected traces are measured in more than eight million years. I mean the sense of survival to the endangered animal's ability to detect, sniff,'s where the greatest risk imminent. The terror of conflagration, the recognition that the apocalypse is here and is real, it makes your "practice" a sharper anti-apocalyptic and arouse more awareness. The horror of war was generally not under the bed, pulled him even closer to the streets, squares of the world. At the forums, all of them, written, oral, electronic assemblies, without rest. And his message is essentially this: to the great fight for life, whilst this planet revolves around the sun. That ability is not only maintained, but which is compounded over time.

risk detection and alarm that wakes the neighbor is in his conscience, and his body to the disaster, is organic, which accelerates and expands into oceans, glaciers, forests and ice caps, or a World War. Is there, in your body, the presence of harassment at all levels that represent deployments "ballistic" in the immediate geographic area to Russia (remember that from the perspective of today's strategic deterrence remains a fundamental factor for strategic stability) and those deployments Ballistic I repeat, persist with Obama, (a government that shows disturbing continuities with the policies of his predecessor, (inter alia, on judicial usurpation of legislative functions) 21, maintenance of authoritarian clauses in the "martial law" of "military commissions" and general "state of exception" whose validity exists in parallel with the persistence and intensification of militarization and para foreign policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean, with a diplomacy of force, war-mongering, in pursuit of natural resources: Latin America is perceived as "their" reservation strategic, hence the intense hostility, encouraging coups and Honduras and to nations that defend their sovereignty: Cuba, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, or Bolivia, which comprise the ALBA / UNASUR. To which is added an articulated scheme of political warfare, psychological and military forces around Iran, another nation which, I repeat, exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction on super-giant oil fields: a complex scenario within which the order is high probability of a military escalation process as I just outlined to you, as recognized among the analyst community in the USA, Russia and other countries, the environment is complex and volatile battlefield. I suggest you check the supplies that have been published on "War of Obama", on Monday in La Jornada, and in that context, note that, as just reported the New Zealand Herald 6 August when asked the Admiral Mike Mullen, chief of joint-highest ranking official, in an interview on "Meet the Press" si EU tenía un plan militar para atacar a Irán, respondió: “We do” (si lo tenemos).22 Todo cuerpo militar tiene planes de contingencia. En los años 30 (y después) EUA ha tenido (y no duden que tienen) planes de invasión y ocupación contra Canadá y México, y ambos vecinos a su vez, han elaborado esquemas de respuesta (Ahora, gracias a Felipe Calderón, el Comando Norte de EU, establecido en 2002, se felicita de estar implantando en las fuerzas armadas mexicanas la noción de dejar a un lado la función de defensa nacional frente a un hipotético enemigo externo, (ellos) y proceder con una irracional y atroz “guerra no convencional” con la hipótesis de que el enemy is there, in Mexico, among civilians (and this dull, to put it very generously, Calderón adoption by the Washington security agenda for Mexico has generated over 30 million Mexicans dead.) And Mullen has been with Hillary Clinton, one of the main carriers of the notion that we must "train" to the Mexican armed forces, from experience in counter-insurgency and anti-terrorist U.S. armed forces in war and occupation of Afghanistan.

same senior officer is telling us that there is a plan to attack Iran. In the aforementioned article Gwynne Dyer (see note 19), a freelance journalist working in London, states that according to Richard Clarke, who was the principal adviser to the anti-terrorist Bush, no way the U.S. can "win" (Iran) under a "non-nuclear." Clarke said that "the U.S. could win" by throwing hundreds of nuclear weapons at military bases, nuclear and industrial infrastructure and cities, and killing between five and 10 millontes people. "Then he adds:" short of That, nothing works " . In an interview with the New York Times four years ago, Clarke said the Clinton administration had considered a conventional bombing campaign against Iran, but military professionals advised him not: "After a long debate, the highest levels of the military could not see how such a conflict that helped the U.S. out," said Clarke. "A campaign of bombing with conventional weapons would not work. The only thing would be to use nuclear weapons, "the report said. This by the size of the country (four times the size of Iraq), its population of 80 million, his army of nearly half a million. "Stop Iran's oil exports (to China, Japan, etc) would raise prices immediately. Also create unexpected reactions between the oil containers. Iran is also mentioned that can block 40 percent of world oil exports from Iraq tanker sinking, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf producers, with anti-ship rockets "Noor" which is a Chinese version of the YJ-82 missiles with a range of 200 km, enough to cover the key points of the Gulf. The article indicates that the rocket flies at twice the speed of sound, a few meters from the sea surface and has a probability of success for each launch estimated at 98%. Finally, the Afghanistan-Pakistan scenario is much more complicated (do not forget that Pakistan, with nuclear weapons, has strained relations with India, another country with nuclear arsenal. And then on stage is the kicker of Israel, in an equation in which Washington encouraged its armament and with possession of about 80 atomic bombs, would play on stage as a "free electron." To this point the situation is explosive and S. Brzezinski (national security adviser Carter), dismayed that Israel attack Iran, convinced that rising to an unacceptable level the order of likelihood of war intensified without control, proposed deter Israel from attacking Iran, warning that do you attack. Which suggests that there indeterminanción regarding the degree of control exercised over the use of U.S. nuclear arsenal of Israel.

The scenario is volatile and multifaceted. In their analysis has included the atmospheric effects of any scenario where weapons are used at rates of 50/100 kilotons, which the scientific community has made computer models of the disaster on human, environmental and economic use of a tiny percentage the arsenal available in the world. Castro already explored this issue with some of the leading scientists and designers of these studies, available to the public and the scientific community in ways such as Scientific American and the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, among other magazines.

It should be borne in mind the proximity to Russia that "field battle "and the comments and warnings General Leonid Ivashov, who I mentioned. Now is the president of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems. His analysis of the Russian-Iranian situation are crucial and were released from the Global Research site

, about President Medvedev's decision not to sell missile defense systems to Iran S-300. It should be noted that this is a decision in a context of extensive exchanges and mutually satisfactory relations between Russia and Iran. But this specific case caught my attention because Fidel has been emphatic, insistent on the danger of a war against Iran. Ivashov writes that "to deny Iran the right to have sufficient means for self-defense, is to encourage aggression against Iran.". Then he asks: "Consequently, Russia is not encouraging (helping) the unleashing of a disastrous war in the vicinity of their borders, a war against a country that is by the way, has within its boundaries a large colony Russian specialists? On top of all this, refuse to supply S-300 complexes to Iran, openly damaged political and economic interests of Russia ".23

Ladies and gentlemen,

The thesis for the atomic age of Günther Anders states that "the distinction between current generations and the future no longer makes sense, and yet we talk of a league of generations to which our grandchildren belong ourselves as automatically as they are our neighbors in time."

"Not only our horizon space must be expanded, but also temporary." Fidel Castro

mark key guides, leaves many clues to the great human journey to the future: hundreds of them chose three of these guides for universal consciousness:

1) "The solution may be to prevent development which need it most. The reality is that all that contributes to underdevelopment and poverty is a flagrant violation of ecology. Tens of millions of men, women and children die every year in the Third World as a result of this, rather than in each of the two world wars. "

2)" In order to save mankind from this self-destruction, there better distribution of wealth and technologies available on the planet. Less luxury and less squandering in a few countries to have less poverty and less hunger in much of the Earth. No more transfers to the Third World lifestyles and consumption habits that ruin the environment. Become a human life more rational. Apply economic order just international. Use all the knowledge necessary for sustainable development without pollution. Pay the ecological debt and not debt. Hunger disappear and not man. "

3. "When the alleged threat of communism has disappeared and there are no more excuses for cold wars, arms races and military spending which is what prevents immediately devote those resources to promote Third World development and combat the threat of ecological destruction of the planet ? Selfishness cease, cease hegemony, cease insensitivity, irresponsibility and deceit. Tomorrow will be too late to do what we should have done long ago. "

Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City October 15, 2010.

1 In his indispensable book to grasp the current risk: The Sixth Extinction

, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTusquets Editores, 1998

2 Fromm, Erich, The crisis of psychoanalysis

, London, Penguin Books, 1973, p 211

3 Saxe-Fernández, John, Oil & Strategy , Mexico, Siglo XXI, 1980 p 14 et seq

4 Sweezy, Paul, "On the new global disorder",

Monthly Review, April 1979, pp 1 -9 5

Oil & Strategy, op cit p 14-15

6 During the Meetings of Economists Organizer for the National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba (ANEC) and the Association of Economists of Latin America, for several years in the Palacio de Convenciones in Havana, where his communication skills, a whirlpool, a real Iguazu ideas proposals, reflections, depths, mutated hours in minutes),

7 Mills, CW, The Causes of world war three

, New York, Ballantine Books, 1963.

8 Ivashov, cited by Fidel Castro: Dialogue of Civilizations

. Havana: Publications Office of the State Council, 2007 pp 9-10

9 A gallon equals 3.78 liters of oil. Has 159 a Barrel liters (42 gallons). The Pentagon uses enough energy in 12 months to keep the system functioning urban mass transit in the United States as a whole, for 14 years, according to data compiled by Michael Renner: State of the World Watch Report. The Pentagon is consumed, and the main client of the big oil companies and military reasons the vast majority of its oil comes from "North America" \u200b\u200b(Mexico-Canada) and has a preference for the same reason, sources oil located "within" the Western Hemisphere, the main one being the Venezuelan oil reserves, certainly the largest in the hemisphere and, according to figures recently, the largest dimension of the world.

10 Ibid, p 11 11 Ibid p13

12 ibid pp 14-14 13 Ibid

14 Barnet, R. The Lean Years

, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1980

15 Anders, Günther, "Thesis for the Nuclear Age,"

Prometheus: Journal of Theory and Technique

No. 2, December 1975, Universidad Nacional, Heredia , Costa Rica. Translated by Eduardo Saxe Fernández.

16 Barnet, Richard, The Lean Years

, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1980 p.19. On the use of non-military instruments of trade and investment control for example the management of Mexico's oil reserves see Saxe-Fernández, Oil & Strategy

, Mexico, Siglo XXI, 1980, "NAFTA: the intersections of the capital geopolñitica and geo-economics," in Pablo Gonzalez Casanova and John Saxe-Fernández , coordinators, El Mundo Actual, Mexico, Siglo XXI, 1996, Joh Saxe-Fernández,

The Purchase and Sale of Mexico, Mexico / Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2002, for timely analysis and problem documentation updates see Michael T. Klare, Resource Wars

, New York, Metropolitan Books, 2004;

Blood and Oil, New York Metropolitan, 2006 and especially its Rising Powers Shrinking Planet: the New Geopolitics of Energy, New York, Metropolitan Books, 2008. 17 In Oil & Strategy, op cit. 18 Sokolovsky et al in Saxe-Fernández, J. Oil & Strategy, op cit p 35-36

19 Ibid. 20 John M.

Collins and Clyde Mark, Petroleum Imports from the Persian Gulf: the use of U.S. Armed Forces to Ensure supplies, Issue Brief No. IB 79046, The Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, Major Issues System. May 21, 1979 cited in Saxe-Fernández, J.

Oil & Strategy, op cit p.37.

21 indicates the presence of trends and interests with strong gravity. As in the initiation and maintenance of a huge program of assassinations and extrajudicial executions of persistent violations of international criminal law (emanating from the law of Nuremberg) and breaking the same rules, codes, laws vital sections of U.S. constitutional law itself.

22 Dyer, Gwynne, "Nothing short of nukes will work," New Zealand Herald, 7 August, 2010

Gen. Vladimir

23 Ivashov "Why Russia Will Not Sell the S-300 Air Defense System to Iran", Global Researtch , 2010 Ivashov continues: "What may be the motivation behind this recent decision of Russia? Obviously, Ivashov said, stems from several sources. Ostensibly not aware of the existence of Israeli nuclear arsenal, Moscow has for years played the role of keeper of the alleged nuclear ambitions of Iran and voted for sanctions against Iran in the Security Council of the UN. In fact, Tehran has several times proposed to transform the Middle East a zone free of nuclear weapons. A well received in the Arab world, but seems to be a taboo for the Russian foreign ministry. Why is that? ".

This remark was even more striking. Ivashov said that "Igor Yurgens, head of the Institute of Contemporary Development, a Russian research institute well-connected, said at the Center Nixon, in Russia, at a round table held on July 28, 2010, not everybody in Russia believes the collapse of the USSR as a geopolitical disaster (as it considers the former president and current Prime Minister V. Putin to describe this historical event). "October 10 Sergein Chemeaov, who heads the conglomerate Russian Technologies, announced that Iran will pay Russia $ 800 million as compensation for non-delivery of S-300, by order of President Medvedev , who blocked the sale on the grounds that "would violate sanctions by the UN."

Is It Bad To Drink Mineral Water While Pregnant?

John Saxe-Fernández: Open ports armed
U.S. is historic blunder.
Written by Jorge Luis Araya (jorge.arayae @ Semanario Universidad San José, Costa Rica. Tuesday November 16, 2010.
A Central you are applying the same recipe to Mexico, which aims to address the effects and causes of imperial policy business driven to the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which generates economic informality and a manifestation of which is crime and drug trafficking, said Costa Rican sociologist, professor and researcher at the National Autonomous University (UNAM) in Mexico.
The coordinator of the program "The World in the Twenty-first Century" by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities (CEIICH UNAM) held on 5 November 1 conversation about these and other issues of geopolitics at the Institute for Social Research University of Costa Rica, and granted an interview with University, of which this is excerpted. analyzing the regional situation, Saxe-Fernández said to be paying any attention to what is happening in Mexico, where last month he had an accumulated 30,000 casualties in the drug war since President Felipe Calderon came to power four years ago, according to official figures . And according to confidential information of the Attorney General given to the Mexican Senate has been investigated only 5% of cases.
"This seemed to me terribly important, what I had written several articles on (the newspaper) La Jornada, talking about the scheme was to annihilate the Mexican Mexico, while U.S. still doing big business, and continues to export arms the cartels in an increasingly intense. "
" is the same recipe for Central America that is very dangerous ... It is absolutely regrettable that the new president of Costa Rica, along with dwindling servants of the Legislative Assembly formally opened his the gates of ports, harbors and territorial waters to U.S. Navy at a time when U.S. militarized, and mercenaries paramilitarized its foreign policy towards Latin America. Unfortunate historical blunder to put it cautiously and not offend anyone. "

What explains the spiral of violence in Mexico, not the drug?

"The material foundation of stability and social stability in Mexico and Latin America in general have been violated by the implementation of NAFTA's economic policy, with cumulative effects that can be extremely serious effects for some countries. Some countries, however, have reacted otherwise, and outputs have been able to articulate what has been a real class war against the popular economy. Then we

rearrangements in the case of Brazil, Lula, for example, where certain parameters are developed to promote economic development.

words, can articulate a non-violent way that does not destroy the nation. But with the U.S. scheme applies the same policy countries economic and literally seizes up the security policy on the country's jurisdiction. In the case of Colombia was put into operation this scheme very systematic manner with the Plan Colombia, which was initiated by a Democrat, Bill Clinton.

In Mexico, the adoption of the agenda of U.S. security by Calderon was the response of this to the electoral illegitimacy overwhelmed him because when he took power to make a runoff election.

To achieve national consensus, it tips over too well with the U.S. to launch the army into the streets and militarize the drug war, with deplorable results for social stability. This together with the number one security problem is the implementation of that policy is behind all that is the informal economy, which the drug and crime is one of the expressions.

At no time did they try to deal with the causes but the effects of this policy, and the idea is to keep the state on the verge of collapse or in the process, simultaneously emphasizing the dependence of political and security bodies country, including armed forces with the Pentagon, the Northern Command in the case of Mexico, and Southern Command in the case of Colombia, the DEA (U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency).

U.S. military pressure is enormous. A significant fact about this is that the Pentagon in a report that came out this year said that global oil spare capacity runs out in 2012, and that by 2015 there will be a shortfall of about ten million barrels per day in relation to demand.

And our leaders are still out playing like we were in normal times. They do not realize that these schemes are schemes in an economy like the U.S. highly dependent world's largest consumer of oil, and consequently the impulse to use military force is very large.

Where does the fight against drug trafficking described in the schedule?

"The drug war is used as an excuse to intervene. In this there is a huge lack of information. You have to read to the grand strategists of the twentieth century and see the history of World War II to understand the importance of military bases. Open bases in Latin America, open ocean and territorial space to the U.S. Navy formally is a real atrocity.

bases in Colombia to face Brazil and Venezuela, will allow U.S. have a minute watch with huge natural resources.

geostrategic In games favored by the national security apparatus in Mexico and extension to Central America and the Caribbean, there are four basic elements: weapons, drugs, business and chaos. There are four elements that operate under a system of imperial colonial rule, and that the Bush administration called "stabilization and reconstruction operations."
This scheme inserts the doctrine of "soft border", which are the boundaries of other states, not U.S. which will not let him get one if you do not have a visa but will pass to another country, leading to a weakening of the sovereignty or jurisdiction of national states.

is a dynamic in which U.S. intelligence agencies, the Department of Defense, Pentagon plays a role in the relationship business and protection of global drug trafficking and weapons. This was illustrated by example in the Iran-Contras, who was a covert CIA operative to support Reagan's war against the Sandinista revolution, using money from illegal arms and drugs. You call U.S.
narcopotencia ...

The U.S. not in any way control the course of weapons where the posters, on the contrary, a few months ago was relaxed further arms exports. And it is meant that the U.S. is a narcopotencia. Here are the main scrubbers which are major banks. Without the financial system, the drug does not work. In addition, U.S. is the main consumer market, more than seven million addicts.

Arms sales revenue generated large U.S. companies, and going to the major drug cartels, who have plenty of money deposited in the U.S. And then through the Merida Initiative weapon for armies fighting drug traffickers. Then it's a windfall of double track.

There are also hundreds of U.S. special forces operating undercover. Documents released in the Wikileaks site indicate a heightened presence of U.S. special forces in 19 Latin American countries operating under cover. These are issues of military expansion of the program tracks the stabilization and reconstruction of the Department of Defense is underway in Mexico and Central America, riding a huge human trauma crowded morgues in Mexico. With a number of unimaginable atrocities, as happened last week (three weeks for the reader.)

players are 12 students, entering a military squad, no one knows where, with 15 black vans in an area occupied by the police and the Mexican army. Strafe the guys at 16.17 and 18, kill them and go. What has this to do with the drug business? What What is it? Is the result of the militarization of the fight against drugs. That is, dollars are going north, go south armamentp large quantities of bullets and batteries cdáveres.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Feel Sick And Period Due Tomortow

believe or not believe .....

processing Army General Miguel Dalmao and order processing, which will rise to the trial judge, Rodolfo Nin are undoubtedly facts which surprised us greatly in our view of ordinary people.

first thing we thought, and for several days, is that perhaps our dear little country Uruguay, begins to tread a different path as the administration of justice concerns for new roads, roads that lead to the implementation of plain and simple justice and who would touch you touch, regardless of position or cart , Whether a hearty cobras salary or I'll rummage around in the parking lots. Justice, where the blindfolded lady made no differences between those who lobby in the areas of power and pressing on the lights for a few coins.

As can be expected, this situation, mainly Nin brings political concern because in order to materialize the intentions of the judiciary, should lift the parliamentary immunity of senator.
to pursue the request for impeachment, it will be a great opportunity for the Frente Amplio, to demonstrate to those who still believe in, that the fight against dishonesty remains in the thinking and political will coalition. And that does not stop at the trench is the benefit of parliamentary privilege.

is also a good opportunity for those sectors of the conglomerate that appear not very convinced of governmental direction has been carried forward, drawn to a former National Party member inserted within the Frente bench.

The simplicity, naivete that accompanies our daily reading, which are the first critical, let us have some moments of joy, hope, that shortly after reading in the press statements by the former member of Judiciary Petraglia Mr. Alvarez gave us face to face with the reality shows us that, what we think a few hours ago was just a fantasy.

The reality is that the powers come into play as if it were a chess game without having more than self-interest and corporate, with the outcome, the people we have been suffering for decades, since the opposite of justice called favoritism, abuse, compromise, bias etc ....

Most of the population, mainly the most deprived, which has no corporate political safeguards, plays the role in fact, be part of the raw material is used for the input of what is called the Judicial Branch , giving and, to this, the meaning of his existence.

be healthy in a rotten system "IS LESS."

Get a summary of statements of Alvarez Petraglia.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lost Hdfc Receipt For Us Visa



The fighting world imperialism

Che, as one of the main leaders of the Cuban Revolution, accounted represent different events international, in reflecting the country's foreign policy, particularly in the economic sphere. Join the Seminar on Planning in Algeria (07/13/1963) the UN Conference on Trade and Development (March 1964) XXI session of the UN General Assembly (11/12/1964) and the Second Economic Seminar of Afro-Asian Solidarity (24/02/1965 .)
The problems addressed by the CHE on the confrontation with imperialism have full force and have acquired a greater aggravation. Still highlight the contradictions he considered:
"Ultimately, we must bear in mind that imperialism is a world system, the last stage of capitalism and you have to beat a major confrontation in the world. The strategic aim of this struggle must be the destruction of imperialism. The participation that we have to we, the exploited and underdeveloped of the world, is to eliminate the bases of support of imperialism: our oppressed nations, from which they extract capital, raw materials, technical and export cheap labor and where new capital - instruments of domination - arms and all kinds articles, placing us in absolute dependence. The core of this strategic goal, then, is real liberation of peoples; release will occur through armed struggle in most cases, and that will, in America, almost inevitably, become the property of in a socialist revolution "
" In this world of contradictions, the key is expressed between the countries building socialism and capitalist countries. "
" Being that the most important contradiction is however not unique. There is also the developed capitalist countries and the underdeveloped ... and for us has a fundamental importance "
" ... the only correct solution to the problem of humanity at the present time is the absolute abolition of the exploitation of dependent countries by developed capitalist countries, with all the implied consequences of this fact "
" is the penetration of capital from developed countries, the essential condition for establishing economic dependence. This penetration takes diverse forms. It comes as loans on expensive investments that a country subjected to investors, technological dependence of the country almost completely dependent, control of foreign trade by the big international monopolies and, ultimately, use of force as an economic power strengthen other forms of exploitation "
" Sometimes, this penetration takes more subtle forms, such as the use of international financial institutions, financial, credit, etc-(IMF; IBRD, IDB, GATT). The IMF is the keeper of the dollar in the capitalist camp, with IBRD (now World Bank) and the Bank are governed by rules and principles that are intended to present as the safeguards of fairness and reciprocity in international economic relations when in reality, are nothing but fetish, behind which is concealed the more subtle instruments of the perpetuation of backwardness and exploitation. The IMF is supposed to ensure the stability of exchange rates and liberalization of international payments, but does not prevent the bare minimum of protection of developing countries from competition and the penetration of foreign monopolies "
" This Conference should establish clear, the danger for trade and world peace, foreign capital investments that dominate the economy of a country ... "is necessary to establish the full exercise of the principle of self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations "... condemns the existence of foreign bases, the temporary stay of foreign troops or not a given country (without consent) and the maintenance of colonial rule by some developed capitalist powers. "

any similarity with our reality it is no coincidence IS THE PROGRESSIVE POLICY AND THE GREAT NATIONAL UNITY MARIO ROSSI

Saturday, November 6, 2010

If You Remove A Tag On Facebook

NOW IF .......

... we are able to provide some graphs produced by the companion on the occasion of the fourth Lucia plenary of delegates from the AP was carried out on 30 October in the premises of March 26 Peach and Paraguay.
In the first photo we see the co-APcerro.
The second is the partner of Nelson San Martín permanent collaborator of the blog.

This adds Gonzalo Abella.

Here are the peers appointed as delegates to AP Hill for the occasion, Susan and Max.

Together Maximus, the partner of the group counter, which we call simply, Cacho.

Gonzalo Abella, Eduardo Rubio, Fernando Vasquez, the only question I have is not knowing which of the three is who talking.


part of the whole.

leader Comrade F, Vasquez in the use of the word.

Making A Portable Drawing Board

THE shopkeeper.

exclaimed the grocer to learn the price of sugar, "we need more sugar at a price that is! ..
The store's employees" can not deliver what does not has created "even distribution policy is not infinite," "we can fall into a serious situation if you overstep the bounds of the resources created give and take "" spending on bureaucracy that does not give us any kind of return. "
It was the grocer, or the manager who said these things, is not a fable." These words are the product of the reasoning of President Mujica made in his radio address, which tries to emulate the Hello President Chavez, which puts all the seriousness that they have.
These simple, apparently thinking they have the virtue of showing simply, through which passes the country's economy, reaffirming and economic strategy developed by previous governments, including the traditional parties. Economic Strategy is happening, and here we see a change, deepening measures with a speed in its implementation impossible to carry out by the traditional parties since they did not have explicit support
with which the government account, the union controls along with the apathy of the majority of the population. Obviously
deception that leads to the population, considering a picture sharing or distribution of the economy that does not exist in reality and is not alone in this. Also lies in the president's remarks, that this alleged distribution is potentially at its end to give the idea that it is impossible to further improve the income of people without new resources.
latter shows the ambition tax possess, and certainly has not been satisfied with the chain of taxes, intended primarily for workers, pensioners and consumers in general in this country in recent years.
The system shows you more of their hombres.Este in charge of presenting the content without altering a single point or a comma of it. Prepare
pa to the public that he wants to go, comes with a glossary of easy absorption and thus achieving acceptance, acceptance of a people increasingly less politicized, still failed to distinguish between theory and reality spill the country live. Mind issues confronting the growth of the cake with the macro economic numbers and its equation, it is essential to begin to discuss alternative ways, which certainly exist.
From this blog, we remain hopeful that these men of letters, science, which have been prepared to give the political battle on the side of people and that in the past and they did, out of their lethargy, the product may confusion that brought on the surprise of seeing the course that events took and again take up the struggle. Writing to people, working with so colloquial, clear, putting the teaching of the word with certainty thus helping to progress as a society is essential. Giving back to society
confidence in politics is essential and will be, work of these men and women ready for communication.
When this happens, return to where they come from, that this is not true and which are not preparados.Mientras does not happen we will, but a colleague does not like or underestimate, being a member online.