Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Does Grecian Formula Cause Rashes

BE TRUE? Video

was the first thing we thought when we heard the news, making way for the next few seconds they were as ephemeral as the little light of hope which came to us thinking that perhaps does not reach to be true.
Unfortunately it is true, died Nestor Kirchner.
The great people of Argentina has lost one of his men more fighters, since the position of president of the republic and in what
Creole oligarchy, capitalism, and especially the time of his mandate as such allowed , successfully carry out what would be called The Model.
A man who, for those who live on this side of the silver and we are concerned
to sort the information blockade installed in our country, he earned our respect, admiration and envy, by the degree of positive changes that were shaping the Throughout his mandate. Sending courts
boards military and his cronies responsible for the destruction of tens of thousands of Latin Americans, is one of the projections of its management measures. Nor do we forget the struggle, with important achievements, corruption in the Federal jets ending with the police, paved the way for Aerolineas estatisacion for AFJP that are now in the hands of the state through when it ANCES called the distribution system.
Another feature of his political personality and his administration has been the policy of confrontation. Not stopping to wonder if that was in front was the church, the oligarchy or the media, which are certainly very, yet powerful.
Contrary to what happens here in Uruguay, I use democracy to disagree, to confront, fight and thus achieve the best conditions for its people.
in the thinking of Nestor Kirchner came the idea of \u200b\u200ba unity government nacional.Darle form and content to the model begun in his country and continues Cristina, requires the exercise of democracy across the breadth that this concept has . The opposition, representatives of the transnational oligarchies and gave no respite, and so it should be.
We have no doubt that had I had the luck to have a government K. our membership would not be developed from the opposition. Our conception the only policy that recognizes the doctrine that teaches us another great man Jose G Araujo. "if you want to know that laws must be supported or not ask yourself whether the legislation in question or not it is the people and decide accordingly.
A hug the President: Cristina Fernandez. The great strength Argentine people, a lot of strength to bear such sad moments, and be aware of the scavengers, which in these parts began to get their claws tugging at the strands that the body does not carry. In this sense white party representatives took after compliments, demand for Uruguay, the secretary of the UNASUR the same that until recently lacked time ago, saying of these, of legal validity. From the Colorado Party made it clear his differences with the deceased, discrepancies that death does not erase his part dijeron.Por Pepe, in his first statement to the press, trying to take the figure of Nestor Kirchner to a minimum declaring that had tried very little, very recently he had had some contact with the former president and some of the Peronist Argentina suffered the loss of their leader. Is that the shadow of Nestor on Latin America is so great that attempt to minimize such statements is contained.
A great loss to the Argentines, a great loss for the region. The people have lost a great politician looming become a regional leader in a short lapso.TranscurrirĂ¡ a long time for someone with the characteristics emanating este.HASTA ALWAYS, NESTOR KIRCHNER.


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