Thursday, May 5, 2011

White Dots On Liver In Baby

Iraq complicity
John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, through Thursday, May 5, 2011.

We explore the British complicity in the war of aggression unleashed by the U.S. against Afghanistan in 2001 and then Iraq in March 2003 by the still unsolved attacks 9.11 ( : is the greatest crime in international law based on the Nuremberg trials. The invasion / occupation military was done under cover of anti-terrorist war , but Iraqi oil in the spotlight. Terror and overwhelming numbers, similar to the Nazis or worse deeds Nixon-Kissinger: a million Iraqi casualties 455 000 769, 4 000 769 2 000 U.S. soldiers and 437 of other nations, including England, killed by greed. The genocide against the people of Afghanistan and Iraq, drowned in a sea of \u200b\u200bimpunity and corruption, is an affront to humanity by the hand of Bush / Cheney , with an endorsement from Tony Blair vile.

An account given by Paul O'Neill, former Bush treasury secretary, about how since January 2001 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, presented to the National Security Council war plans Iraq showing the giant oil fields, exploration areas and companies who might be interested in participating in the distribution of such precious good (R. Suskind, The Price of Loyalty , 2004) contrasts with the cynical lies of Rumsfeld. When Steve Crof of 60 minutes asked in December 2002 on those who think that the invasion of Iraq is about oil replied nonsense. Not the case ... (Are) the myths floating around. I'm glad you asked ... literally, nothing to do with oil . Repeated

by high politics and academia United States and London that alibi was another lie: April 19, Paul Bignell ( reported that over a thousand minutes of secret meetings between Blair's cabinet ministers with the leadership of British Petroleum (BP), Shell and the then British Gas (BG) was obtained by researcher Greg Muttitt. Reveals that since 2002, before London took a key role in the invasion under the pretext of weapons of mass destruction, Blair's cabinet members aired projects with such companies to exploit reserves in Iraq magna.

While Blair, like Rumsfeld, claimed publicly that the idea that was invaded by Iraq's oil is absurd, is one of the most absurd conspiracy theories that one can imagine , and BP denied having any strategic interest in Iraq (its CEO insisted a week before the attack that he and BP think it is a war for oil ), the Foreign Office (FOR) invited BP to discuss " opportunities in Iraq post regime change. " BP wanted to prevent Bush keep Saddam's dealings with France's TotalFinaElf and assured privately their willingness to take big risks so get a slice of Iraq's reserves, the second most important in the world . In the shadow of peak oil and greed, the casus belli FOR embracing the U.S. and said, secret that England has an interest absolutely vital in Iraq's oil .

Trade Minister Blair told BP that "the government thinks that British oil companies should get their share of the huge reserves of oil and gas in Iraq, in exchange for Tony Blair's military pact with U.S. plans for a regime change "in Iraq" and offered to lobby the White House, as oil giant feared being left out of the business that Washington hatched in secret with governments and firms in the U.S., France and Russia .

Coda: in current peak oil and given the vast endowment of oil and gas Latin America, these revelations highlight the serious and imminent threat to our people, of overflow of the state of emergency and national security United States, from north to south across the region, under the militarization of the war narcotics, terrorism or organized crime.


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