Thursday, September 9, 2010

Milena Velba Milky Bavaria

John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, Thursday September 9, 2010.
site The outbreak of Macondo in the Gulf of Mexico, which caused the biggest spill and environmental disaster in U.S. history and the world, is a sign of what it means for the planet's biosphere and humanity was the depletion of natural resources non-renewable, in this case
peak oil, its dangers and environmental, socio-economic and politico-military. The proliferation of exploration and development in inaccessible places, considered the last frontier in pursuit of finite natural resources, whether in the deepwater Gulf, on the west coast of Greenland, on glaciers or in the wilderness of the vast Amazon risks and costs involved, some impossible to quantify given the irreversible nature and also for damage to nature with effect today and on future generations: in the Gulf of Mexico, where he recently recorded another oil rig explosion, damage the biosphere are immeasurable for the extinction of life forms in the food key, affecting the existence of niches and delicate, complex and vulnerable ecological systems. At best a partial recovery of the habitat, it will take decades.
peak oil is not restricted to environmental disasters such Macondo, is ostensibly a dangerous exacerbation of conflict and militarization of international relations of power, with enormous human destruction, and civilization, as in the case of wars of aggression against Iraq, Afghanistan and harassment against Iran and Venezuela. It
peak oil does not mean the end of oil, but conventional oil depletion, ie, easily accessible, inexpensive, high quality, which also, in this first decade of the century, is beginning to register in many metals and minerals.

When the U.S. finally recognized how accurate that prediction turned geologist M. King Hubbert (made in 1956), that its oil reserves would reach its maximum extraction in about 14 years (1970) and henceforth observe a decrease in production accelerated, the effects were profound in its foreign policy and military, The vulnerability that leads to the dependence

to deploy strategic urban / suburban and the vast military-industrial apparatus.

The babbling for the development of renewable energy and energy savings were drowned by Reagan and monopolies, in favor of a military

, which explains in part why, after the end of the USSR, followed by the path of spending and military modernization and aggressive militarism, para-militarization and mercenaries of its foreign policy with a pronounced contempt and violation of international criminal law. The state of emergency

and state terrorism

, In force since the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Japan's population, is stressed. Furthermore, under the National Security Act of 1947, Truman institutionalized criminality
State, under cover of plausible deniability.

The attack on the Twin Towers offered as Condoleeza Rice said the Security Council of Bush, a great opportunity to change the U.S. strategic posture , which meant that, as in the Hitler era, it established the preventive war, aggression, conquest and stepped aside international law for access to oil, Iraq is still occupied with 50 thousand troops and large bases, now called consulates protected by tens of thousands of contractors from the State Department, from a larger embassy to the Vatican, hatched a few months ago the destruction of the Oil Workers Union of Iraq, a brutal operation as used against the SME in Mexico, while the U.S. continues, with the approval of local puppets, managing the business to operate one of the largest reserves of conventional oil.


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