forced to fall backHonduras, Costa Rica and Nicaragua
for the first time included inlist of major producers of drug trafficking or platforms in the world .
As expected and the government of Laura Chinchilla, Costa Rica, which authorized the U.S. military presence in its territory, offering immunity to the occupation soldiers and officers who committed breaches of international criminal law, leading an American initiativeto
to U.S. pressure after more aid against narco
/ crime is, what the war psychological and political history is known as
hedge, the partition that covers popular campaigns against and design of intervention and occupation police / military / corporate key areas of its geographic position or their resources.
is no coincidence that they be military, Colonel Hugo Chavez or Castro Sued Lima, the Brazilian Air Force, who, among others, calling attention to the phenomenon: The United States stands as judge of others, while applying the domain overwhelming and is the main beneficiary of the Great Ones businesses from drug trafficking and organized crime. Castro Lima (
in Colombia, cocaine production increased porque también lo hizo el mercado concentrado en Estados Unidos y en años recientes el precio de la cocaína cayó 36 por ciento resultado del aumento de la oferta y no de una reducción de la demanda .
narcopotencia : es gran productor de mariguana y los más de 7 millones de adictos a la cocaína que la consumen en su territorio, constituyen el mayor mercado del orbe. Además se sabe que 70 por ciento del dinero se lava ahí, significando, dice Castro Lima, ...que las mafias que operan en su territorio dominen 90 por ciento del lucro del gran negocio, left in the hands of the U.S. mafia .
In our region, the U.S. arms industry is the beneficiary of two-way this war sui generis : America is the main supplier (90 percent) of weapons to
right in saying that the intention is to crush
popular and revolutionary movements that emerge in Latin America and the intimidation or neutralization of such regional initiatives
United States and its business partners to vital resources such as electricity, gas and oil. is in the territory of the narcopotencia
and not in Colombia, Mexico, Central America or the Amazon, where, in the words of Castro Lima ... should lock the main fight against drug trafficking.