Thursday, July 29, 2010

If I M6 Weeks 2days Pregnant When Did I Conceive

John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada Thursday July 29, 2010.
With the depressed economy under gravity, the long-term employment growth, wages in deflation and financial reform does not avoid systemic risks, the Obama intensified, as did his predecessor with disastrous results for human rights and high risk to world peace, using the military card to counter hegemonic deteriorating economic and strategic vulnerability for his remarkable dependence of essential natural resources, especially fossil fuel imports to 65 percent.
international power equation, impacted by the crisis of capitalist accumulation, climate change and peak oil (in 25 years global energy demand will increase 49 percent!), Enhances its multi-polarization: we live in a different constellation Latin American history that is expressed in emerging and innovative mechanisms for strengthening regional security and sovereignty, as the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and significant processes alternative social construction, supported by broad social movements inclined to take into their own hands the management of resources, economy, currency, defense and foreign policies favorable to peaceful conflict resolution.
is a tsunami of popular sovereignty and regional security that interferes with arrangements
oligarchic-imperial and U.S. and its lackeys in blood and fire fighting, oil in deepwater Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian tar sands and conventional oil and Venezuela super-heavy, regardless of social costs / ecological, the Pentagon and the oil majors are preparing to take the spoils. With
the economy and resources of Mexico and Canada in the imperial pocket, the immediate goal is the Bolivarian revolution and its oil. This is evidenced by a message from the U.S. in which President Chavez warns of another move against him and the revolution:

the preparation phase of the international community, with the help of Colombia, is in full swing (with Uribe's offensive against Venezuela at the OAS, supported, as in Honduras, the White House) adding to what is experienced


integral part of the plan ... military operation will


be carried out by the North, but do not want to enter directly into Caracas . also reveals that accelerated the implementation phase, attached to a restraining force from the United States to Costa Rica ... under the pretext of combating drug trafficking (for the deployment of 18 000 marines and coast guard

gringos policy endorsed by President Norma Chinchilla and the deputation of the National Liberation Party).
The senior running the crackdown say that Colombians Bolivarian alone can not perform the operation in a short time

decided so directly involved, when the conflict is given . Aggression Venezuela against taking sovereign possession of their oil revenues coming from Bush / Cheney. Obama steps up using the smart power including hard power against the regional coalitions (UNASUR / Alba) strengthening the Special Forces and the Fourth Fleet, orchestrating the coup in Honduras, deployed bases in Colombia and dealing with military force to Coast Rica, and soft power, through vast subsidies to NGOs, political parties, leaders and assembly of psychological warfare and politics with a huge publicity campaign from the newspapers, radio, television and the Net: New York Times


Newsweek , CNN, etc., always ready to des-report on the region, Venezuela or Chavez. CNN do with ethical detriment p rofessional: news and economic analysis fits the anti-Chavez line of the intelligence community . Equally significant: in the United States feels a closed briefing for the exorbitant militarization and U.S. intervention in the region, accompanied by the unpopular deployment of special forces in 19 Latin American nations.


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