Thursday, January 5, 2006

How Long For Senna Laxative To Work

Vein No. 74


A cry from the womb to the outside

Vetas magazine starts with the mind its international edition, a major step that seeks to break the isolation, looking only on ourselves, at the time that globalization is a challenge and when more than ever to defend our culture, our national identity is a serious responsibility that concerns us. Off the Island!, Cries a cry from the heart.

steep When we look out the window for high we can externalize our astonishment because the overseas turmoil we find ourselves. The dispersion, diaspora, is a swarm that revolves around the magnet that is our very being Dominican. But in the same island there is another ... Otherness that both scavenge certain intellectuals is the Haitian, the ignored this.

exactly a woman of the diaspora, effective alternative point for the purpose as Europe, began a series of interviews with Haitian intellectuals. She is Rocio Rodriguez-Reyes, representative of streaks in Madrid, Spain. We have to acknowledge and express our excitement and optimism for the work that has begun Dew for our magazine. The first demonstration of its range is the inclusion in this edition of an important interview with Haitian writer Gérard Étienne, published in French and English, and publication in the next edition of another interview with another important Haitian writer, Geneviève Gaillard-Vant As announced formally.

The discussion of the problems Dominico-Haitians intellectuals of the two countries, rather than an ad, is a fact in our pages. The reader will also find the interview with Gérard Étienne, the inclusion of a controversial document and disgusting, as is the decree of the French governor Luis Ferrand January 1805, he organized the capture of Haitian children to be sold as slaves. Some historians believe that the invasion of Jean Jacques Dessalines on the English side of the island that year, was a response to the ruin of the French proposal Ferrand. And indeed what Dessalines sought was to push this miserable and his troops invading the island For better illustration the reader will find the journal of the campaign Santo Domingo de Dessalines.

Finally, in terms of content we are publishing an essay by pro-Haitian intellectual Ernesto Sagas, text quite critical of the inconsistent foreign policy with regard to Haiti, Dominican President Joaquin Balaguer. Anecdotally we want to point out something that fate has shown us, we could say that shown. Both Ernesto Sagas like Dominican Gérard Étienne have blood ... Sagas, reports his friend Orlando Inoa, was born in New York, the son of Puerto Rican mother and Dominican father. Etienne told in an interesting interview to be published that his mother was a Dominican. The affiliate link each two shows both are signed by the Dominican culture. Étienne so dramatically evident when he reveals how his training had an impact on the religion of his Dominican mother. The Caribbean region is a neighborhood ...

Our magazine since its first edition, has remained in the pages of history topics. We intend now to reaffirm that content. We affirm that one of the most traumatic moments in the life of the Dominican people is for the period since the signing of the Treaty of Basel in 1795, to the Declaration of Independence of 1844. The highlight of this period occurs between 1801 and 1822. Historiography has denied meaningful analysis weighed it meant for the future invasions Haitian culture genocidal slaughter, the humiliating French invasion, the British colonial presence and the gallantry of Juan Sánchez Ramírez and José Núñez de Cáceres.

Our magazine devoted all the numbers needed, and all the space possible for the elucidation of that dramatic period. We extend


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