Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sample Of Welcome Church Speech

Binational Contexts
John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, Thursday August 26, 2010.
The socio-political and security, accumulated by the economic policies in place since the 70's to ease the effects of capitalist crisis (a class war led by Reagan / Thatcher and her successors, to stop the falling rate of profit) are felt in Mexico and the United States strongly in the first decade of the century, by the Calderon guerrade narco
and management of the Bush-Obama major financial crisis that erupted in 2008, resulting in greater privileges and wealth concentration in favor of both governing classes of banking, finance, adding, in the United States, a subsidy grand military-industrial industry and public agencies and private security
Social conflict is emphasized: for the war on narco
28 000 casualties recorded, with no prospect of change with the Prian nor in the continued exploitation of peasants, workers and middle class in Mexico, while in the collapses together the productive, employment and living conditions of a population that suffers a prolonged economic collapse and looting. Here offensive class is deployed White House, with the approval of Los Pinos and a predatory oligarchy, using the Treasury Department and its surrogates units (IMF, World Bank and IDB-WB). This is done with loans whose terms are in favor of foreign investment, dismantling process of transformation, sometimes emerging and other advanced, as in the petrochemical, passing substantive activities of Pemex to foreign contractors, showing a plunge in crude oil production submission to the policy of maximum extraction imposed by the United States: a derivative compliance sobornización role of fat commissions for handling loans BM, which continues to define
conditionality, despite the consequences, the actions of the Secretariats of the field that have been dismantled and agriculture, capital goods industry, the shipyards of the country and so on, attacking unions and collective agreements , precarious work and preparing the foundation, under the management

modernization, the auction dismemberment and National Railways of Mexico, looks the same in Pemex, CFE and LFC, and liquidated.

outline To support the anti-popular, anti-national loans and programs were implemented in areas of justice and security, the past to mutate the role of national defense in police programs that facilitate the adoption of forms of intervention and occupation of the type tested by the U.S. in Colombia: the base of the Merida Initiative is the binacionalización internal security. Foreign policy is submitted to the U.S. and Calderon's war wears the logistics of the armed forces. And national defense, "is assumed by the Northern Command? "We traveled to the de facto protectorate? Besides the economic and judicial capitulation, is not prepared gradual absorption processes separatists, as with the approval of the administration justice (oral trials)? From the 90 increases the pressure on northern states: NAFTA sharpens the silent integration, ie economic, social, cultural and industrial created through the years as part of the normal interplay of interests southern states of the United States economy and society of northern Mexico. It is a fusion sui generis

explosive, with walls, border militarization and anti-Mexican racism and processes that tend to decouple from the rest of Mexico north of the country in economic and public administration in
, such as those sponsored by the WB in 37 Mexican municipalities that border the United States. This is the

restructuring of local government

Mexico, following the pattern of operation

county typical American.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Candid-hd Forumophilia

John Saxe-Fernández, La Jornada, Thursday August 12, 2010
The collision between the rhetoric of the U.S. government to cover up their designs for intervention and occupation in Latin America (war on terrorism, organized crime or drug trafficking) and the events that are observed daily, and public is as incontrovertible that only the concept of schizophrenia
to analyze what all is clearly a state criminal mendacity. With the intensity of the structural crisis and hegemonic increase the contradictions between official proclamations to strengthen the rule of law against the crime and the facts derived from corporate greed, the massive diversion of public funds to the military-industrial complex, a intelligence agencies and the financial oligarchy, while cutting federal spending, state and county, with untold loss of places and items for public works, health, social services, etc.
This occurs with an unusual and costly militarization, paramilitarization and mercenaries of foreign policy, while internally sharpens the dilemma between guns and butter
, and externally imperial schizophrenia, with strong inclination genocide (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc). United States is the largest exporter of weapons, dominates the world trade, so it is not difficult to see the bottom of the clash between terrorism and anti-narco war and the reluctance of President Barack Obama to control the flow of arms monumental low and high caliber cartels south of the Bravo.
Given this fabulous business and bank management / financier of the drug, the 28 million Mexicans died in drug war are not relevant to the United States. Least for a White House that, in contrast, promotes relaxation of standards to speed arms exports, according to Obama, designed to double sales in 2015
. So says Rep. D. Manzullo (R) of Illinois, we

out of this recession.

The sinister mendacity is palpable in the annual report of the Office for Counterterrorism, Department of State (DE) met last week. There states that "Venezuela's cooperation with the U.S. on terrorism has been reduced to an absolute minimum

, censorship and Caracas make their security schemes without U.S. guidance, as befits a sovereign nation," for it is not a reliable

in counterterrorism and start monroista anachronistic, DE complain, as Clinton did in person, Caracas, Brasilia and other southern nations maintain relations with Iran! This arrogance is added to the hypocrisy of a United States practitioner, as few, of State terrorism: last April released a video is deleted, classified as secret Department of Defense (DoD), which since its Apache helicopters

civilians are killed and two cameramen for Reuters in Baghdad.

side assassinations are the reader can witness on Wikileaks. A hypocrisy adds the infamy, evident in the devastating mass of over 90 thousand files top secret war in Afghanistan (most flight safety in military history), obtained and disseminated by Wikileaks showing, among other horrors, how DOD, NATO allies Britain and tens of thousands of contractors and special forces have eliminated hundreds of civil actions go unreported. In a program of assassinations of Bush / Cheney are documented numerous extrajudicial

the Taliban leadership, by
undercover units under the instruction of

kill or capture. All documents, which The Guardian published on its website, shows how coalition forces used, more frequently, Reaper unmanned aircraft to hunt and kill the Taliban, a remote control from a base in Nevada , according to the press activity persists and is accented with Obama / Clinton, with hundreds of casualties, with grief and daily open to Criminal Law International.